thanks for your comments. The images I am putting up are work in progress and are only quick
snapshots of the models I am making for the project. Do not take these as final renders as they are not
even in place in the final model they are just to give people some insight into what I am doing and I hope
to find some like minded people out there. So forget the temporary backgrounds etc.
Anyway here is some of the rolling stock I've made so far. I intend to work on the texturing and
weathering a bit more but I an concentrating on the modelling at the moment.
As for the posters they are all accurate for the period , I have set them in the thirties, and you can even
read the local timetable with a close up.

Is this a European railway, or North-American railway?
In the UK, GWR were Great Western Railway (or God's Wonderful Railway, Go When Ready ... oh, how times change!).