How many of us are in the path of Hurricane Irma?



  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    People who abandon their pets during a hurricane
    (sometimes leaving them chained outside) should
    be, at a minimum, sterilized. If you can't take care
    of a dependent animal, you can't be trusted with

    Can anyone imagine the sheer terror that an animal
    feels, chained in place, as the winds pick up, the
    rains pour down, and the flood waters rise?
    Not understanding why your companion never
    comes for you?

  • Petercat said:

    Just checked the local forecast.
    Says the highest winds will be 37mph at 10:00am.
    But it says we're having 25mph right now.
    Just came back in. Very light breeze.
    Where are they predicting for?
    I'm sure we won't even lose electricity.
    After all, I just bought a $1000.00 inverter generator.
    Ready to go, cords laid out, lots of fuel on hand...
    So of course we won't lose power.

    Your rig needs a good testing. devil  Cut off your electricity and use your generator for a couple of days just for jollies.  Also, spray a hose around in your house and rip a few shingles off the roof just to rehearse for the next storm (which may not be that far away). surprise

  • Now, we wait. frown

  • artd3Dartd3D Posts: 165

    All clear here north of Ft. Lauderdale. We got lucky when Irma jogged west and did not get the worst of the

    storm. Strong tropical storm winds with some hurricane force gusts, lots of rain. I only lost power for 5 hours, which is

    amazing, Still 640,000 without power in Broward County.

  • Amongst those permitted to contribute to future generations are the staff of the Ernest Hemmingway house in the Florida Keys. They decided that, on balance, it was more risky to move the 54 resident cats than have them remain at the house. They stayed with them.

    Staff, cats and house have survived largely unscathed.


  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Petercat said:

    Just checked the local forecast.
    Says the highest winds will be 37mph at 10:00am.
    But it says we're having 25mph right now.
    Just came back in. Very light breeze.
    Where are they predicting for?
    I'm sure we won't even lose electricity.
    After all, I just bought a $1000.00 inverter generator.
    Ready to go, cords laid out, lots of fuel on hand...
    So of course we won't lose power.

    Your rig needs a good testing. devil  Cut off your electricity and use your generator for a couple of days just for jollies.  Also, spray a hose around in your house and rip a few shingles off the roof just to rehearse for the next storm (which may not be that far away). surprise

    Thanks for the advice, but... no.
    I was wrong, we did lose power. This morning. Long enough
    for me to gulp down my coffee and go back to bed. As
    soon as I hit the pillow, lights back on.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Amongst those permitted to contribute to future generations are the staff of the Ernest Hemmingway house in the Florida Keys. They decided that, on balance, it was more risky to move the 54 resident cats than have them remain at the house. They stayed with them.

    Staff, cats and house have survived largely unscathed.


    The cats now have eight lives left. Each.
    The humans? Unknown.
    If I have to evacuate, companions get in car before I do.
    Human, feline, canine. In that order.
    On a happy note, GF Susan stayed the night. She lives
    on coast. Will be here for a few days. I made her her
    favorite breakfast. She snarled at me.
    Susan is not a morning person.

  • Petercat said:

    Amongst those permitted to contribute to future generations are the staff of the Ernest Hemmingway house in the Florida Keys. They decided that, on balance, it was more risky to move the 54 resident cats than have them remain at the house. They stayed with them.

    Staff, cats and house have survived largely unscathed.


    The cats now have eight lives left. Each.

    They don't need to be concerned until it gets down to what they can count on the toes of one paw - which in the case of these mutant moggies is six.


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975
    edited September 2017

    Totally happy been in contact with most my friends and all of my family in Florida and everybody is good a couple don't have power but that's minor to keep praying for everyone still in the path

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • My relatives were in the direct path of the storm. If they don't contact us, I won't try calling them t'il tomorrow. I'm sure they have enough to deal with. 

  • We're fine here in my little part of Palm Beach county.  My family is safe.  My neighborhood still has power.  It's flickered a few times for a few seconds, but hasn't really gone out completely.  The neighbors all look intact.  No damage to my houses or the cars.  I lost part of the backyard fence and have a huge tree down that didn't come anywhere near the house despite how tall it was.  I'm still trying to catch up with news to see how everyone else is doing around the state.

    I did hear from the one PA I was worried about who lives in Tampa.  He and his family is fine and mostly has debris, but no damage which is good.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    It is so good to hear from all the people who are doing well.

  • My people in Tampa/Clearwater are OK.  My people in Ft. Myers are OK.  My people in Melbourne are OK.  My people in Miami area are OK.  But haven't yet heard from relatives in Naples where the storm came ashore as a cat4.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    Some areas are getting storm surge  from the wrap around effect, where they never expected to get it like jacksonville.  lot of damage all over the state by the looks of it on the news reports.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,924
    I'm near Melbourne. We are OK. We lost power for 16 hours, but it is on now. My husband is raking and hauling tree debris.
  • CricketCricket Posts: 440

    We're fine here in my little part of Palm Beach county.  My family is safe.  My neighborhood still has power.  It's flickered a few times for a few seconds, but hasn't really gone out completely.  The neighbors all look intact.  No damage to my houses or the cars.  I lost part of the backyard fence and have a huge tree down that didn't come anywhere near the house despite how tall it was.  I'm still trying to catch up with news to see how everyone else is doing around the state.

    I did hear from the one PA I was worried about who lives in Tampa.  He and his family is fine and mostly has debris, but no damage which is good.

    Which part of Palm Beach do you live in? I finally got to home this morning, and we have no power. I'm in Greenacres, but my in-laws and brother, both in Wellington, have power so I'm hopeful mine will be restored by tonight.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,124

    So far I am okay except for a headache.

  • Relatives and property OK. With power out for 7,000,000, some may be out for weeks. Hope not. 


  • Isosceles said:

    We're fine here in my little part of Palm Beach county.  My family is safe.  My neighborhood still has power.  It's flickered a few times for a few seconds, but hasn't really gone out completely.  The neighbors all look intact.  No damage to my houses or the cars.  I lost part of the backyard fence and have a huge tree down that didn't come anywhere near the house despite how tall it was.  I'm still trying to catch up with news to see how everyone else is doing around the state.

    I did hear from the one PA I was worried about who lives in Tampa.  He and his family is fine and mostly has debris, but no damage which is good.

    Which part of Palm Beach do you live in? I finally got to home this morning, and we have no power. I'm in Greenacres, but my in-laws and brother, both in Wellington, have power so I'm hopeful mine will be restored by tonight.

    @Isosceles  I'm over in Boynton Beach.  My neighborhood has buried lines and I think that might be one reason why still have power.  It has flickered off and on enough today that it shut down my computer every time I tried to start a render so I gave up.  A lot of Boynton is without power, too.  Last I heard, there were 72 confirmed downed power lines over here.  My husband's work texted that they had power so they would be open tomorrow so he'll be going to work.  My boys' karate dojo is in Wellington and I heard that they still have power.  Their sensei's house in Royal Palm lost power, but I believe their power is back on again.

    I haven't been out on the streets, yet, but I've heard it's a mess out there.  We mostly took pictures of the damage at my house before starting the cleanup today.  We got the front yard cleaned up, but the back is a real mess.  It will take a while to get that sorted out.

    I'm glad to hear you finally made it home.  That had to have been rough.  Everyone there is okay, I hope.

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975

    Just remember as you go home or try to get out   to be carefull ,with downed lines there is still danger ....


  • carrie58 said:

    Just remember as you go home or try to get out   to be carefull ,with downed lines there is still danger ....


    Yes, everyone be careful.  I heard that most injuries often happen during the clean up.  You've made it through the storm.  Don't do anything risky now.  Please be safe.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Happy to hear you are all okay. One tip- (after being in two Category 3's only 9 months apart) If you have lost power, as they attempt to restore it, it may go off several times before it stays on. There's a phenomenon called "brown out" where your lights don't come back full force. Sometimes, but not always- if they go out again, they can come on with a big surge and your electrics can SPARK. (our overhead lights/ceiling fans in both the kitchen and great room did!) Brown out preceded that for several of us in the neighborhood, so thought I'd mention it.

    The second hurricane, we learned to turn OFF our lights and just keep a fan or something minimal on so we'd know when the power was restored- but definitely not the lights. If you value your electronics- UNPLUG THEM until your power is on and stays on. Those surges were serious business!  (or, depend on your surge protectors. With what my electronics cost, no way. Better safe than sorry, but I'm not an electrician/tech person.) 

  • JackFosterJackFoster Posts: 143
    edited September 2017

    I'm in the upstate of SC. We weren't even in the path, and we lost power for seventeen hours. Not fun, but at least it's over now. (Maybe... Still over ten thousand outages for our county alone, so we'll see).

    Post edited by JackFoster on
  • CricketCricket Posts: 440
    Isosceles said:

    We're fine here in my little part of Palm Beach county.  My family is safe.  My neighborhood still has power.  It's flickered a few times for a few seconds, but hasn't really gone out completely.  The neighbors all look intact.  No damage to my houses or the cars.  I lost part of the backyard fence and have a huge tree down that didn't come anywhere near the house despite how tall it was.  I'm still trying to catch up with news to see how everyone else is doing around the state.

    I did hear from the one PA I was worried about who lives in Tampa.  He and his family is fine and mostly has debris, but no damage which is good.

    Which part of Palm Beach do you live in? I finally got to home this morning, and we have no power. I'm in Greenacres, but my in-laws and brother, both in Wellington, have power so I'm hopeful mine will be restored by tonight.

    @Isosceles  I'm over in Boynton Beach.  My neighborhood has buried lines and I think that might be one reason why still have power.  It has flickered off and on enough today that it shut down my computer every time I tried to start a render so I gave up.  A lot of Boynton is without power, too.  Last I heard, there were 72 confirmed downed power lines over here.  My husband's work texted that they had power so they would be open tomorrow so he'll be going to work.  My boys' karate dojo is in Wellington and I heard that they still have power.  Their sensei's house in Royal Palm lost power, but I believe their power is back on again.

    I haven't been out on the streets, yet, but I've heard it's a mess out there.  We mostly took pictures of the damage at my house before starting the cleanup today.  We got the front yard cleaned up, but the back is a real mess.  It will take a while to get that sorted out.

    I'm glad to hear you finally made it home.  That had to have been rough.  Everyone there is okay, I hope.

    Yeah, everyone made it through ok, thanks. We got power back last night. The worst part for me was that I woke up Friday with a sore throat, which pretty much became the flu by Friday night. So I was sick the whole time.

    We mostly just had some downed trees near us, so nothing too major. Glad to hear everything is ok with you as well.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Isosceles said:

    We're fine here in my little part of Palm Beach county.  My family is safe.  My neighborhood still has power.  It's flickered a few times for a few seconds, but hasn't really gone out completely.  The neighbors all look intact.  No damage to my houses or the cars.  I lost part of the backyard fence and have a huge tree down that didn't come anywhere near the house despite how tall it was.  I'm still trying to catch up with news to see how everyone else is doing around the state.

    I did hear from the one PA I was worried about who lives in Tampa.  He and his family is fine and mostly has debris, but no damage which is good.

    Which part of Palm Beach do you live in? I finally got to home this morning, and we have no power. I'm in Greenacres, but my in-laws and brother, both in Wellington, have power so I'm hopeful mine will be restored by tonight.

    @Isosceles  I'm over in Boynton Beach.  My neighborhood has buried lines and I think that might be one reason why still have power.  It has flickered off and on enough today that it shut down my computer every time I tried to start a render so I gave up.  A lot of Boynton is without power, too.  Last I heard, there were 72 confirmed downed power lines over here.  My husband's work texted that they had power so they would be open tomorrow so he'll be going to work.  My boys' karate dojo is in Wellington and I heard that they still have power.  Their sensei's house in Royal Palm lost power, but I believe their power is back on again.

    I haven't been out on the streets, yet, but I've heard it's a mess out there.  We mostly took pictures of the damage at my house before starting the cleanup today.  We got the front yard cleaned up, but the back is a real mess.  It will take a while to get that sorted out.

    I'm glad to hear you finally made it home.  That had to have been rough.  Everyone there is okay, I hope.

    I strongly suggest a UPS. We have an occasional flicker even during normal times, with a UPS I wouldn't even notice if it weren't for the room lights. Most will protect your computer from surges as well.

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,135
    Petercat said:
    Isosceles said:
    I strongly suggest a UPS. We have an occasional flicker even during normal times, with a UPS I wouldn't even notice if it weren't for the room lights. Most will protect your computer from surges as well.

    As someone who spent almost 10 years in computer repair before moving into corporate IT, I can not stress enough how important this is.  EVERY computer, especially ones like so many of us use for rendering, should have a good UPS with voltage regulation on it.  Ideally, all electronics in your home that you care about should have one, just to ensure it doesn't fry on you.  It is way too easy for a surge, or even a brown out, to take out all of your equipment.  And most likely, your insurance won't cover it.  Mine didn't cover my computer when the local power company blew up the transformer in our building during rolling blackouts we had one winter.  That was a particularly impressive catastrophe (blew out pretty much every piece of electronics that was plugged in in a 10 story apartment complex and kept everyone out of the building for about a week while the power company had to build a new transformer from scratch in the basement) but even just a normal everyday surge can do it.  The beauty of a the UPS with voltage regulation is it keeps the power flow going to your devices clean and safe.  If you have a brown out it pulls from the battery to keep it level, and if it starts running too hot it dumps the excess down into the battery.  For me, that's the real reason to have the UPS, even more so than keeping your gear online when everything else goes dark. 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,325
    edited September 2017

    I would not rely 100% on the UPS only - the best way is just uplug everything, when the storm is approaching.

    We have at work all servers connected to UPS - and guess what, during one of the power breaks

    two redundant power supplies in the computer were fried, but the UPS survived and is still being used.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,135
    Artini said:

    I would not rely 100% on the UPS only - the best way is just uplug everything, when the storm is approaching.

    We have at work all servers connected to UPS - and guess what, during one of the power breaks

    two redundant power supplies in the computer were fried, but the UPS survived and is still being used.


    Yeah, no system is 100% (the cmpany that replaces the batteries in the ups at my office screwed up last summer and blew out our ups. Took 2 servers, 6 power supplies, and 10 hard drives out when they did) but something is better than nothing. For a storm like Irma, absolutely you should unplug everything until power is stable, but for 99% of the rest of the time just having the UPS is enough
  • I do wish UPS were cheaper...

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited September 2017
    Petercat said:
    Isosceles said:

    We're fine here in my little part of Palm Beach county.  My family is safe.  My neighborhood still has power.  It's flickered a few times for a few seconds, but hasn't really gone out completely.  The neighbors all look intact.  No damage to my houses or the cars.  I lost part of the backyard fence and have a huge tree down that didn't come anywhere near the house despite how tall it was.  I'm still trying to catch up with news to see how everyone else is doing around the state.

    I did hear from the one PA I was worried about who lives in Tampa.  He and his family is fine and mostly has debris, but no damage which is good.

    Which part of Palm Beach do you live in? I finally got to home this morning, and we have no power. I'm in Greenacres, but my in-laws and brother, both in Wellington, have power so I'm hopeful mine will be restored by tonight.

    @Isosceles  I'm over in Boynton Beach.  My neighborhood has buried lines and I think that might be one reason why still have power.  It has flickered off and on enough today that it shut down my computer every time I tried to start a render so I gave up.  A lot of Boynton is without power, too.  Last I heard, there were 72 confirmed downed power lines over here.  My husband's work texted that they had power so they would be open tomorrow so he'll be going to work.  My boys' karate dojo is in Wellington and I heard that they still have power.  Their sensei's house in Royal Palm lost power, but I believe their power is back on again.

    I haven't been out on the streets, yet, but I've heard it's a mess out there.  We mostly took pictures of the damage at my house before starting the cleanup today.  We got the front yard cleaned up, but the back is a real mess.  It will take a while to get that sorted out.

    I'm glad to hear you finally made it home.  That had to have been rough.  Everyone there is okay, I hope.

    I strongly suggest a UPS. We have an occasional flicker even during normal times, with a UPS I wouldn't even notice if it weren't for the room lights. Most will protect your computer from surges as well.

    @Petercat  I have a good surge protector, but yeah, a UPS would be a really good idea.  A surge protector with a battery backup or UPS was just one of those things I knew I needed, but never got around to getting.   I always manage to remember I need to pick one up right around the time I need it.  Sigh.  Not this time.  As soon as I can get to Staples or Office Max, I'm picking one up this week. 

    @Artini  Computers were off and unplugged during the storm.  I agree about not completely relying on surge protectors of any kind to keep valued electronics safe.  Since we didn't lose power at my house, I thought it was safe to plug things back in.  Apparently not.  

    At least things have settled down and no power fluctuations most of yesterday afternoon and evening.

    edit:  added a dropped word for clarity

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
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