Combining two or more different shader presets? (and send them through texture atlas)

Hi all!

I was wondering with all these wonderfull shaders out here, can they be combined? Can you for example apply the Anagessis 2 shader to a G3 figure and then apply the tanned and wet shaders on top of that so your figure ends up with a very realistic skin texture that looks a bit wet and subtely tanned?

If so, how do you do that? And what is the impact of this on VRAM for GPU rendering?

Is there benefit in using Texture Atlas to get (if possible) a combined shader like this to be "baked" into one texture? If so, again, how do you do that?

Thanks a lot,



  • Some may combine, others certainly won't. Those that are true sahders, not presets, can't easily be mixed. Those which use the same standard shader might combine if they affect different properties, or if one affects a value and the other adds an overlay map. I suspect that the two you list wouldn't mix, but they might.

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