Where are my NaNoWriMo peeps?



  • I managed to get 1842 words written yesterday. Not as much as I'd hoped, but I finished off two scenes that I'd only partially written so that was nice.

  • I managed to get 1842 words written yesterday. Not as much as I'd hoped, but I finished off two scenes that I'd only partially written so that was nice.

    My six hundred or so words don't seem quite so bad now, and I did do some on the fly editing too, so there is that.

  • I managed to get 1842 words written yesterday. Not as much as I'd hoped, but I finished off two scenes that I'd only partially written so that was nice.

    My six hundred or so words don't seem quite so bad now, and I did do some on the fly editing too, so there is that.

    As a friend of mine constantly tells me, that's six hundred words you didn't have written before. It all counts!  :)

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    edited November 2017

    I'm back after almost a week of being without a PC. But that's what makes Nano interesting, isn't it? laugh

    Post edited by Ati on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929
    Ati said:

    I'm back after almost a week of being without a PC. But that's what makes Nano interesting, isn't it? laugh

    Does it require writing on a computer? you could just use paper surprise

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    Linwelly said:
    Ati said:

    I'm back after almost a week of being without a PC. But that's what makes Nano interesting, isn't it? laugh

    Does it require writing on a computer? you could just use paper surprise

    Nah, I need each section to be one single printed page, no more, no less. Can't do that on paper.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929
    Ati said:
    Linwelly said:
    Ati said:

    I'm back after almost a week of being without a PC. But that's what makes Nano interesting, isn't it? laugh

    Does it require writing on a computer? you could just use paper surprise

    Nah, I need each section to be one single printed page, no more, no less. Can't do that on paper.

    sounds interesting, which brings me to the question which way of proceeding has everybody, how do yor words together and how do you create something complete aout of that?

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 491

    I am behind, as usual, though not as bad off as usual. I'm sitting at 13,678 words as of this evening. Managed to write over 3,000 words today. If I can do the same tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, I may actually come close to "winning" this year. I'd really be thrilled to make it to 30,000 words.

  • I'm at 14966 words as of last night. Still not where I should be to hit 50K by the end of the month. I'm making great progress on my book despite the lower word count.  :)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929

    close to 16K, I finally got an eveneing to really work on the text

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited November 2017
    Linwelly said:
    Ati said:
    Linwelly said:
    Ati said:

    I'm back after almost a week of being without a PC. But that's what makes Nano interesting, isn't it? laugh

    Does it require writing on a computer? you could just use paper surprise

    Nah, I need each section to be one single printed page, no more, no less. Can't do that on paper.

    sounds interesting, which brings me to the question which way of proceeding has everybody, how do yor words together and how do you create something complete aout of that?

    I start out in Evernote. I have a notebook for each project, where I clip research, type in notes, add inspiration pics (many from the DAZ store!) and record audio notes. Once that file gets pretty big, I start shifting the best parts into Scrivener and shaping it into a 3-Act novel structure. I map out the scenes and start roughing it out. Then I edit it about a million times over and over again, till I'm cross eyed and it's finally done. LOL. 

    This one is an edit with quite significant rewrites. I hit 50K today, so yay! I won Nano, but I'm not done yet. I have 30k more to go. Then comb over it a million times till I'm totally insane, then done! 

    Nano won 11162017.JPG
    422 x 229 - 18K
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    Llynara said:

    I hit 50K today, so yay!

    That's great! Congratulations! :) 

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929
    Llynara said:
    Linwelly said:
    Ati said:
    Linwelly said:
    Ati said:

    I'm back after almost a week of being without a PC. But that's what makes Nano interesting, isn't it? laugh

    Does it require writing on a computer? you could just use paper surprise

    Nah, I need each section to be one single printed page, no more, no less. Can't do that on paper.

    sounds interesting, which brings me to the question which way of proceeding has everybody, how do yor words together and how do you create something complete aout of that?

    I start out in Evernote. I have a notebook for each project, where I clip research, type in notes, add inspiration pics (many from the DAZ store!) and record audio notes. Once that file gets pretty big, I start shifting the best parts into Scrivener and shaping it into a 3-Act novel structure. I map out the scenes and start roughing it out. Then I edit it about a million times over and over again, till I'm cross eyed and it's finally done. LOL. 

    This one is an edit with quite significant rewrites. I hit 50K today, so yay! I won Nano, but I'm not done yet. I have 30k more to go. Then comb over it a million times till I'm totally insane, then done! 

    Thanks a lot for the insight and congrats on the win! how long did it take you from scratch to that?

    I tend to write down a lot of bits and pieces as well but then I somtimes end up having trouble connecting the parts in a way that makes sense.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited November 2017

    I do the same thing, which is why I catch them in Evernote. Also- Scrivener is wonderful for rearranging scenes, and bits of info! I often flip scenes around till I'm happy with the flow of the story.

    This book started forming in my mind two years ago. I started writing it in June 2016 and realized I had two books instead of one. I chopped off the first five chapters, developed them into 11 chapters and published that as the prequel (Book 0), Unlucky Charm in October of 2016. But I changed a bunch of stuff in the end, which made for a stronger first book, and also changed the motivations going into the second book, Kat & Mouse (which is actually Book1 of the series, it's a full length novel.)

    It has taken about a year to figure out how to work out the changes. Part of it was connecting the dots between the unexpected cliffhanger at the end of the last one and the beginning chapters of the new one. The first act of this book was really hard to write. I laid out a lot of world build rules in Unlucky Charm that I need to repeat here, but I don't want it to be boring or repetitive for those who read the prequel, nor confusing to those who didn't. Took a while, but I finally got it! 

    Kat & Mouse is more complex than most of series, setting up several of the novels that come after it. I think once I get past it, the next few will be easier. I hope! I have all thirteen books mapped out, and I can't wait to get deeper into this series because there's a LOT of fun to be had.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929

    wow, sounds like a big project, I started much smaller and as its supposed to be images in the end I won' write out each adn everything but its good to hear how much time you've been putting into this. Sets my working time into a bit of a context. thank a lot!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    Ati said:
    Llynara said:

    I hit 50K today, so yay!

    That's great! Congratulations! :) 

    Thanks Ati! Can't wait to see what you're up to as well! 


    Linwelly said:

    wow, sounds like a big project, I started much smaller and as its supposed to be images in the end I won' write out each adn everything but its good to hear how much time you've been putting into this. Sets my working time into a bit of a context. thank a lot!

    It seems like all of my projects turn out big. This world build has multiple series in it. I could spend the next 20 years writing about it, LOL. And there are other world builds and series ideas too. I need to figure out how to clone myself or write faster! 

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    Llynara said:
    Ati said:
    Llynara said:

    I hit 50K today, so yay!

    That's great! Congratulations! :) 

    Thanks Ati! Can't wait to see what you're up to as well! 

    Today I'm suffering. :) I've written 7 pages (A/5). I wanted at least 17. :) I think I'll call it a night, though, and continue tomorrow. Overall I'm still on track, close to 30k words.

  • Llynara said:

    It seems like all of my projects turn out big. This world build has multiple series in it. I could spend the next 20 years writing about it, LOL. And there are other world builds and series ideas too. I need to figure out how to clone myself or write faster! 

    You sound like Nathanomir here; he's got at least two sets of interrelated stories (one set is actually stories known to a character in the series he's currently writing, believe it or not). He's got the characters designed in DAZ Studio and used one image he rendered as the cover for his first novel. I'm doing the same to an extent with my book, though I've hit a bit of a dead spot, writing wise.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    LOL, you nailed it! I do my own covers and promos, and believe it or not, my Midwest series is tied into my Black Kat series. My "co-author" (CJ Weatherly) is the heroine of my next Midwest book. She's writing people from the Midwest series into the Black Kat series, which actually figures into the plot. The hero isn't too happy about this, when he finds himself as one of the major characters. It's really fun, but was a pain to figure out how that was going to work. I literally have to write the next four Black Kat books before I start on the next Midwest book, because she's working on the fifth book as the story begins. Confused yet? LOL It's going to either be great or a real dud. We'll see! 

    It is so much fun playing with words, and even more fun when you add DAZ to the mix! laugh

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    edited November 2017

    I came to brag... laughlaughlaugh

    How are you all doing?

    119 x 178 - 27K
    Post edited by Ati on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Woohoo! That's awesome! 

    I've got 8 chapters to go, then plenty of revisions. I need to upload my manuscript to verify word count. Last week was too busy to get much writing done.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 491

    Congrats, Ati! That's phenominal. 

    I finally managed to break 25,000 last night, which was my goal for the month. Since I managed that, I will try to push for 30,000 now.

  • Congrats, Ati!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,128

    Congrats Ati!   Awesome.

    I am doing much better than my feable first attempt.  I have 40,509 words.  It is a horrific mess in desperate need of editing.  My keyboard is dropping letters.  Hate to think what autocorrect has done with some of them.  blush  I have been pushing forward instead of letting the resulting typos slow me down.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 491

    So, my final count for NaNoWrimo is 30,324 words. No, not enought to "win", but I still consider it a real accomplishment to get so much done in a month.

    Congrats to everyone! It's always fun to challenge yourself. When you add in the frenetic pace of most people's Novembers, even the attempt to write a novel is an accomplishment. My hat is off to those of you who beat the pants off the 50,000 word goal. Those of you who didn't hit that lofty number, give yourselves a pat on the back anyway. You're that much closer to finishing up your book, and you had the added fun of a little extra competition along the way.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat something entirely unhealthy in celebration.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129
    maraich said:

    So, my final count for NaNoWrimo is 30,324 words. No, not enought to "win", but I still consider it a real accomplishment to get so much done in a month.


    maraich said:

    When you add in the frenetic pace of most people's Novembers, even the attempt to write a novel is an accomplishment.

    So it's not just me who thinks that November is the second worst month to be doing this? :) (The first would be December.)

    maraich said:

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat something entirely unhealthy in celebration.

    Have a great celebration! :)

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129

    People in the US still have a few more hours to go. Good luck to everyone who is still writing!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,128

    Just validated.  I am going to finish with 43,729.  Much better than July, about 34,000 words better than July.

    Good luck everyone.  Hope the last couple hours treat you well.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,128

    Hey, folks.  I have to apologize.  I just found the sitemail link.  Sorry for being silent.  I wasn't ignoring you, I didn't realize that was how it worked.  I bet if I check my main mail account, the camp nanowrimo went to my spam folder.  Again, much apologies.  blush

  • Well, I came close, but I didn't quite make 50K words this time around. I didn't even remember to add my last little bit to my word count. One of these days, I'm going to nail that sucker and get 50K in one month.  How did everyone else do?

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