Be Honest... Do You Ever Get PA Vendors Confused?

There have been the obvious goof-ups on my part, where I've searched for a product in Luthbel's catalog that was actually made by Luthbelina.

Come on, we've all made that mistake.

But then there have been times where I've searched, say, Predatron's catalog for a product I could swear I had just seen the other day, only to realize later that the product I was searching for actually was made by First Bastion.  Or the times I've conflated Cake One with Dogz, or Sloshwerks for Sickleyield,etc. 

None of this matters if you can remember the actual name of the product for sale, but when the memory is more vague ("I think it was a hat sort-a-thing for Genesis or something"), store searches can often end up as a swing and miss.



  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,184

    Does confused imply I ever kept them straight????

    I sure do miss Liquid Rust and Rebel Mommie.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582

    I once entered a PA's contest with a texture set that was actually by a different artist.  Embarrassing!

  • "Been there,... "

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,970

    Yes, I often confuse them with minor deities with abilities and talents far beyond my own,  And then I find I was not confused after all cheeky

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602

    Luthbel and Luthbellina  of course people mistake me for Stonemason all the time... I try to let them down easy when such a natural mixup occurs. wink

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    edited November 2017

    I only really know a small handful by name - and most are my favorite vendors. Each of them are pretty unique so it's not easy to mix them up or get them confused. :)  However I sometimes get the hair vendors mixed up. Two or three of the vendors create products that are pretty similar, so it's easy to get them confused, imo.

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • y3kmany3kman Posts: 765

    I used to get P3Design and Pretty3D mixed up.

  • Antman and The Ant Farm - easy enough - and they both make awesome stuff.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,184
    SimonJM said:

    Yes, I often confuse them with minor deities with abilities and talents far beyond my own,  And then I find I was not confused after all cheeky

    +1 smiley

  • Antman and The Ant Farm - easy enough - and they both make awesome stuff.

    I thought AntMan was one of the ants in The Ant Farm... (A tiny bit of humor)

  • *crosses fingers* Of course not! Never happens...

    *coughs* maybe once or thrice... 

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    DAZ get mixed up too. One of my products was released under the name 'macelene' - not 'maclean'

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited November 2017
    maclean said:

    DAZ get mixed up too. One of my products was released under the name 'macelene' - not 'maclean'

    @maclean  (NOT macelene)   OUCH. And hey, I remember that- one of the forum members brought it up, they asked if you were the same person. It even got me confused!  (We don't care what name you sell under, as long as you keep doing it btw! Neat, useful stuff!) 


    Post edited by Novica on
  • I mostly forget who made what and it's usually linked to an item.

    And I can't remember who made it.

    Or who specializes in that kind of release.

  • the ones with initials all starting with F confuse me, Fred Winkler Art, Forbidden Whispers, FWDesign, think there are other letter only combinations too I mix up blush

    I mix the various historical village and building makers up too as far as who made which sets like Faveral and Merlin.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,970

    Now that I think about it, I seem to recall being the subject of a bit of confusion with @SimonWM :)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    SimonJM said:

    Now that I think about it, I seem to recall being the subject of a bit of confusion with @SimonWM :)

    ALL the time! 

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,933

    Yes. Especially the ones who use different names at different stores. To be honest, though, in my case the issue is more that there are only a few dozen whose names I automatically associate with certain kinds of product, I've just bought so much over the years that there are too many to remember exactly who made what for the vast majority.  One of the very few things I like better about Renderosity's site is that you can pull up a list of your purchased products broken down by vendor, whereas the DAZ store makes it hard to even look up product that you've bought but that are no longer in the store.   

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    Sometimes.  More with character creators than props/clothing/hair, though even there there are a couple that I mix up on occasion.  Vendors I don't buy regularly - either because their catalog is small, or their style isn't something I use often - I'll mix up a bit more than, say, First Bastion and Stonemason (though for the longest time I couldn't keep straight First Bastion and Flipmode, even though they are both very distinct vendors.  But I put that to my problem with names in general.  It takes me about a dozen interactions with people in person to forge the association between face and name - though I'll recognize the face almost immediately.  Much worse on-line.)  Also vendors who often work together but are marketing a given product on their own I'll sometimes mess up on which one is going solo for that particular product.

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    Dogz and Slosh, all the time. I think it's just because they're single-syllable names with the same sound in the middle. I called Zev0 'ZevO' for the longest time too, and no one ever pointed out to me that it was a zero on the end rather than a capital letter. I noticed it myself in the end. Eventually :)

    Those with the FW prefixes confuse me too.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited November 2017


    I have to admit, Dogz and Slosh are on that list a little bit, yeah, but I love both their works so much...  They're the only ones here, that I can really think of...  Well, outoftouch and ironman13 are ones I get mixed up now and then, but it doesn't make sense to me that I do.  OH!  Yeah, Bobbie25 and Blondie9999 *all the time*.  I suppose I mix up ImagineX, Imaginary_House, Collective3D and Bluebird 3D pretty often.  Silver and Sabby sometimes.

    But I could never keep straight Pretty3D, 3D-Age, P3DArt, P3Design, Xtrart-3D, and to a lesser extent Supernova.  Also B-Rock and Pretty3D's promos look so much alike, I thought they were the same person, and I wouldn't be surprised to be told they are.

    Dreamland Models and Powerage are conflated in my head for some reason, even though they really don't do the same things at all...

    I'm fairly confident that kobomax and IH-Kang are the same person.

    Oddly enough, I *don't* have a problem with conflating Luthbel and Luthbelina; Luthbelina's promos typically have a playful edge to it that Luthbel's usually don't.  Doesn't make them better or worse, just distinct.

    -- Morgan

    Edit: I also confuse coflek-gnorg, cybertenko, and 3-d-c.

    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited November 2017

    I once posted one of my pieces to my DA gallery and linked @RawArt as the vendor who had created something I used. Turned out the something was actually by Stonemason. I had been working on two pieces at back to back and uploaded them within days of each other using new things (to me anyway) by each vendor. RawArt was very polite and left a comment letting me know that was the product was a @Stonemason product, not his. Oops. While they are two of my favorite vendors, I don't usually get them mixed up.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • Not to mention the fact that I often get DZFire confused with both Predatron and First Bastion...

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