Scripts menu (custom action dropdown) Scrollbar?

I haven't gotton to that point yet, but I'm really liking the Scripts menu for loading everything from Render settings to characters to presets and I can forsee the dropdown growing beyond the limits of the main window, will this dropdown eventually trigger a vertical scrollbar?

Or, is this a scriptable element?

Just thought I'd ask, it's such a handy feature for things that -optionally- depend on one or more presets, much easier than scrubbing through several directory trees to locate items and presets etc. that go together, a scrollbar would be perfect, especially considering the Scripts menu is a user-facing feature.



  • I've nott ried loading the meu tot hat extent - before getting there I would use Window>Workspace>Customise to split the list into sub-menus or move the commands to other menus (e.g.g put a sub-menu for Render Settings in the Render menu). You can drag-and-drop in the Menus tab on the right to move, right-click to add new top-level menus or sub-menus.

  • tonytriolatonytriola Posts: 20
    edited November 2017

    Thanks and, yeah, the submenu setup is the prefered way to go (I use 4.9, btw).

    I discovered in my travels that I could set a top-level menu as long as I preficed it with a [&] (taking care not to name it beginning with any chars in use), just using chars did not work (although it should have).

    As for creating a sub-menu under Scripts, that sorta worked from the UI, but regardeless of what variation I tried, it failed to take a name other than the default [New Menu], would not even rename after the fact (apply and accept).

    But I liked your idea too much to let it slide, so found the dsx file that handles the menu and just edited it by hand in notepad++.


    <SubMenu Default="false" Type="Custom" Label="&Scripts">   <SubMenu Default="false" Type="Custom" Label="RenderSets">        <CustomAction Name="dc57c345-4a4f-47e9-a47a-18d4972e9f49"/>        <CustomAction Name="e5ca4f4e-0af7-4a3b-b93d-d900fb5f6a8a"/>    	<CustomAction Name="e28b2341-d410-49a3-8471-251b4d41fa85"/>    	<CustomAction Name="0f9da234-0ff6-470b-892e-04c985e651a3"/>   </SubMenu>   <CustomAction Name="307f4bf8-cfbe-4345-b454-9cf4cb2e9050"/>   <CustomAction Name="0cf0e6eb-10f0-43fd-b700-0439b0a2ef62"/>   <CustomAction Name="61c83bfe-a7d1-4cf1-af2e-4999aa266c7f"/>   <CustomAction Name="71776073-23f3-421a-b1c5-b9826bbb8078"/>   <CustomAction Name="00d4b701-5b3a-4567-a9a2-d92e71df686f"/>   <CustomAction Name="095d8fe8-b20a-4bce-ad9a-34d01e47199d"/>   <CustomAction Name="91a1a663-f700-4aeb-892a-40d9edaccae6"/>   <CustomAction Name="dbc5276f-1483-439c-9626-7049d03022d4"/>   <CustomAction Name="393164a9-8655-44f0-9ea3-739a45a3a2ab"/>   <CustomAction Name="b514939a-4bd1-4168-accb-69b514aa646c"/>   <CustomAction Name="3e052af2-a475-46d0-8fd4-4afd0818b189"/>   <CustomAction Name="20fea584-075c-4754-8ee5-e233a96348ee"/>   <CustomAction Name="e7176a8a-e31b-4007-8c78-59baa8649d45"/>   <CustomAction Name="b1ee840e-21a3-4908-b666-df12ddaec6f3"/>   <CustomAction Name="36f869ef-d8d1-4b88-899b-f963c0c994cd"/>   <CustomAction Name="eb0fb4bc-4654-4a20-89d4-7c336114c8fc"/>   <CustomAction Name="ca14ac08-7135-4b8f-a6d8-76b1aff9ff3c"/>   <CustomAction Name="3c074d8a-2250-42db-855d-7b12eaf6437d"/>   <CustomAction Name="138c9d4a-789e-46b2-b589-65c98646fc77"/>   <CustomAction Name="9dfe36a8-4be4-4c87-a3cb-9fdbe00928cd"/>   <CustomAction Name="6b1a97ec-c871-49fd-8e40-bd392754de6c"/>   <CustomAction Name="4e682978-75d5-42bb-b0a5-56ce7d385df0"/></SubMenu>

    So that works, albeit with some manual editing, now as far as dragging items from Scripts into my RenderSets sub-menu, that does not work, so I'm still in hand-edit mode for that stuff (which is ok, I just want the functionality regardless of the inconvenience).

    One more thing, I did try overloading the scripts menu, it just kept on growing right past the main window (my window was set smaller than fullscreen) and nary a scrollbar did appear, so your suggestion is the only way to go in this case.

    Anyway, thanks again, I learned a lot.

    Post edited by tonytriola on
  • I should add that even with using sub-menus, we still observe the rule of  'diminising returns' without a scrollbar, in that each level reudces the capacity of the sub-menu by it's root position on the dropdown, so ultimately, there is a hard limit on what you can put in there. Allowing scrollbars on sub-menus might be a fix worth considering. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I've nott ried loading the meu tot hat extent - before getting there I would use Window>Workspace>Customise to split the list into sub-menus or move the commands to other menus (e.g.g put a sub-menu for Render Settings in the Render menu). You can drag-and-drop in the Menus tab on the right to move, right-click to add new top-level menus or sub-menus.

    I did not know this, this is a very useful bit of information thank you!

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