Where's my card gone?

I'm sure it's something I've done, well it usually is, but suddenly my GTX980 Graphics card is not showing anywhere, and all I have in the Render Settings, Advanced section is my CPU.

Now I have been having loads of crashes because of dForce, I have updated my GPU etc, but if I try to render without ticking the CPU box in Render, then after a few seconds I get a completed Render of a black screen

If I tick the CPU box I eventually get a render, so it's all there to use, but I just can't.

The card is working and showing on CPUID and Speccy64. Plus I've been playing COD WW2 last night and this morning so it is definitely working for everything else.

How do I make Daz re-install my Graphics card?

Many thanks in advance.



  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,393

    I've read there were some problems with the most recent version of some nvidia graphic drivers. Maybe try reinstalling the previous version?

  • For those who might get the same problem, and seeing that you get no help from this Forum, (excepting one), I managed to fix my problem. Just by chance, and whilst I wasn't in Daz Studio, I went into my Daz 4.10 folder and I found a "Restore Defaults" file. After clicking it my program reloaded complete with the Graphics card installed.

    Easy really. Just no one wants to tell you.

  • As Leana said, the driver was the most likely issue. Restore Defaults would not have seemed a likely fix, and I'm not sure how it would have worked. It sounds more likely to have been a transient glitch.

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