PC+ Monthly Coupon Not Giving Full $6 Discount

I've added Monique 8 Pro and two other new releases to my cart, along with the 6 and 7 Pro bundles.

The total comes to $39.61. When I apply my monthly PC+ coupon the price total only drops to $37.33. I would have expected this to drop to $33.61.

Anyone else having any issues with this?


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    It's a well known glitch that if you have free items in your cart, the coupon will NOT apply properly. Been like that for quite a long time and no fix in sight. 

    What you can do is take a screenshot of your cart BEFORE the coupon and then AFTER the coupon, to show it hasn't fully applied, and send in a ticket to support and they SHOULD credit you the amount that was missed. I haven't done it  but other people have stated that is what happens. 

  • GatorGator Posts: 1,293

    Crap, I just used it last night and I put the free item in my cart.  I didn't know.  At lease I only lost about a dollar.

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