How to remove the label "material" from custom material

when I save, save as, "Material Preset", what setting puts the yellow label on the icon (see attached), how do I turn it off and how do I prevent it from doing it in the future?




  • I found it. "Content Database Editor". while in the content directory you want to edit, If you right click on the Content Library Tab, click on Content DB Editor. Highlight the material and set the "Type" to "None". Click "Accept" to close the dialog box and "Accept" to close out database editor. Hopefully this will help someone else.

  • Removing the type tags will remove some functionallity, however - I don't think they wil now appear in the presets tab of the Surfaces pane, for example.

  • fsascreenfsascreen Posts: 0

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Removing the type tags will remove some functionallity, however - I don't think they wil now appear in the presets tab of the Surfaces pane, for example.

    Hello, could you tell me which specific features might be affected. I modified as my friend AbnormalPixels taught and it worked, but now I'm afraid if there will be problems. I thank

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