why's it doing this please?

Everytime I do a render that isn't Iray I get this weight bright lighting problem here. Anyone tell me why its doing this please? I am assuming it must be from something I selected. Its confuing (pic shown)

1920 x 1080 - 511K


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,442

    Check Render Settings: Gain (should be 1.0 by default), Gamma (OFF/1.0 or On/2.2, usually are reasonable). Sometimes a scene file loads render settings.

  • ToobisToobis Posts: 962

    Gottit thankyou.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,941

    ...I was going to mention the camera headlamp but it sounds like you figured it out.

    I still forget to turn it off from time to time.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    kyoto kid said:

    ...I was going to mention the camera headlamp but it sounds like you figured it out.

    I still forget to turn it off from time to time.

    That's why I started Studio, made my default settings, (camera light off, etc) and saved it to my desktop as an empty scene named "Studio".
    When I want to use Studio, I just click on the icon and it starts up with my default settings.

    I just wish I could get the camera to do that, "Load to current view", and all movements locked. Doing that every time I create a new camera is a pain.

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