Possible to combine shaping preset and posing preset into one slider?

Those ThingsThose Things Posts: 1,122

[Possible to combine shaping preset and posing preset into one slider?] So, I guess pretty much what the title says, is this possible to do? And if so, can someone point me to the instructions?

Thanks to anyone who answers!

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Please don't use the title as the only place you state your question.

    You can use a Proeprties preset to save a mixture that isn't suported by one of the other types - it has tabs in the options dialogue for each proeprty type, enable the check box in the oens you want and then make any selections needed for the actual proerpties you want to save.

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited November 2017

    @ Those Things

    Save posing preset and shapes into one slider? No problem with that - as I remember you wanted some Jaw in/out pose be applied by some Custom Character Shape. This is something like creating Pose Controler Properties and create Custom Character Shape at once.

    You can create a new Property - go to Parameters pane right-click then select Edit-Mode in that menu and then right-click  select Create New Property next right-click on this new Property again and use this ERC-Freeze action.

    The ERC-Freeze dialouge will show you a list of detected changes for ALL Properties of ALL Items in the current scene. (Edit: tested this and it seems that with the current version 4.10.... just Property changes of the selected figure/item gest showen now - it didnt make sense before because this bug)

    So if you dont want to uncheck all that long list that you may see if you open up the ERC-Freeze dialouge - its better to prepare a new scene befor using ERC-Freeze with only the Base Figure of your choice added / loaded from the library and with the custom Character shape you are working on.

    Next change the desired Properties / Morph Shapes - until your custom Character shape is finished - or maybe load a shape / pose preset from the library that you first saved from the other scene - where you began to work on your custom Character. So you have some options to save your unfinished work on the Custom Character Shape with a Shape Preset to the library or save them along with the Scene file - but this is somehow not allways working because people have reported bugs with DazStudio that their new Morph Properties gets lost after closing the program. My advice allways count up the version numbers - incremental save Scene file names to have a backup of the pervious work before you make big changes.

    Pepole often report of issues with saving newly added morphs along with the scene file - sometimes you close DazStudio and if you open your Scene file again the new Properties / morphs are gone somehow - I also discovered bugs with this somtimes not in the current release version Ithink - but with my Backup Paranoia I am save =] because I often count up the Version Numbers behind my "SetupNewProperties_12345.duf" Scene files If I make big changes to it - so I can get drawen one step back by DazStudio but with the next attempt I get two steps ahead)laugh

    Then if you decide your custom Character shape is finished use the ERC-Freeze action to store / save your custom Character Shape to your new Character Shape Property.

    Pretty much everything shape / pose and even corrections for the bone-position(see Action Adjust Rigging To Shape in JointEditor) changes you make on your custom Character Shape in your scene can be stored / saved into a Property / slider. You can even create new Pose Controler Properties with that - like we know them form the genesis figures like Arms Up/Down eg. twist both thighs the opposite way / bend both feet / ect.

    Test the Property / slider and once your new Character Shape Property works like expected dont forget to save that one with "File>Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset" to your library to use it with the figure added in other scenes.

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • Thanks, it's a new process to me, so I appreciate the help tremendously.

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited December 2017

    I'm glad if I could help you with that.

    UPDATE@pervious Post:

    As I had a look over my pevious post I saw some sentence and instructions that where realy short and hard to understand. Sorry for that - I had to remember all this process and I had to repeat some things that I explanied allready somewhere else - so I added a few words here and there to make it clear what i mean and I think its also easier to read now - while keeping it like a short tutorial.

    English is not my native language but I learn whlie writing.wink

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited December 2017

    The step of using "File>Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset" to save your new Custom Charater Shape as an new Morph Product / Asset permanetly to your DazStudio library leads to the Morph Asset Save Options dialogue.

    There you have to choose in which Library to save the Morphs to, this depends on whether you have more than one - can be configured in the "Content Directory Manager".

    I recomend you to save your own content creations into your own Library / Content Directory to have things seperated from your purchased products - and to easier find them later with the file browser search.

    Yea if you remember the Content Directory where you saved the morphs to - you can use a file browser and search for the Property-Names.

    (side info a Property / Morph can have a name and a lable to identify it but for the Morph Asset file name in the Asset Directory the Name gets used - can lead to confusion if the both name and lable differs much - my advice choose a meaningful name and use Prefixes like me: CTRL_ERC_MyNewCharacter.duf or FBM_MyOverAllBodyShape.duf or FHM_MyHeadShape.duf or PHM_MyNoseShape.duf so its easier to find them later and you can guess what they will do)

    You can search and find them with a file browser to see where they get stored to your file system in this special "data" folder.

    Fror example: The properties / morphs are saved in a special folder called "data" within your DazStudio Library. For Genesis 3 Female the path is ...\DazStudio_Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs where DazStudio_Library is the Content Directory I choose in the Morph Asset Save Options.

    The next thing you have to fill in is the "Author" and the most important the "Product Name". This is important because this will influence the path and folder further down in the Morphs folder of your figure asset on your harddrive in which the "Morph Asset" files will be saved to - that consist of sperate [Property-Name].duf files for every Morph you have selected in the Morph Asset Save Options dialogue.


    A good advice is also:

    Seperate head from full character morphdial?

    To do that use the ERC-Freeze Action. With this you save your custom Character shape to a new Character controller Property.

    (EDIT_2: the list of Sub-Components for your custom Character shapecan include your own created morphs and other purchased Product Shapes and all these Sub-Components can have custom Values - for example you dont have to fully apply the Victoria 7 Shape maybe set it to 50% and mix it with another Character Shape. The common dependencies chain to have at least Head and Body morphs seperated goes like this: the Character controller includes Sub-Components with Shape Properties like FullBody and FullHead morphs.

    So =) for your custom Character Shape master controler you can include your Addon Sub-Components mixed with other Character Shape Sub-Components with even other seperated Shape Properties like for example extra Addon face or breast Shapes, custom Correction Morphs for different areas and what not - I mean keep yourself organized with the Properties and everything should go nice and smoothly wink)


    For more information on saving Morph Assets you can have a loock at this thread:

    How to save the parameters changes in Actor and etc?

    Where you can find more information on:

    • Asset Directory / Content Directory
    • Content Directory Manager
    • How to delete Morphs
    • Properties mass editing
    • changing Property Groups of new or existing Properties


    For more information on ERC-Freeze you can have a look at my post @

    TUTORIAL - Creating a Genesis/G2F/G2M/G3M/G3M Full Body Morph for DAZ Studio Pro 4.6 by RKane_1

    Where I cover most of these subjects:

    • ERC-Freeze
    • ERC-Bake
    • create a new property for ERC-Freeze
    • how I save new properties to a figure/object
    • how I save Figure/Prop Assets
    • how I use ERC-Freeze
    • ERC-Freeze Options
    • Property Hirarchy


    ...I try to cover everything this time - its allways a big clutter like with this forum - you have to read to all the post untill you find some information that is uselful to you.

    Any quetions left?

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
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