OT: Gimp Craziness



  • Try Natron if you need a Nuke alternative.
  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    Try Natron if you need a Nuke alternative.

    Thanks, but I love Nuke smiley

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,946
    edited November 2017
    ebergerly said:

    I agree about the cloud and subscriptions. I hate them both. Luckily I have a pre-cloud Photoshop CS4. I wonder if you can still get that, maybe for cheap?

    ...after the whole mess with CS2 not really wanting to go there.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,881
    McGyver said:

    I'd prefer no image preview to a subscription any day. Adobe lost me when they adopted a subscription based model. 

    I don't mind software subscriptions with fallback licenses but I doubt Adobe will ever offer that.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,871
    ebergerly said:

    But Gimp doesn't like EXR's...seems like they won't even open. Though I do like the UI with Gimp, it's easy to move panels to other monitors. I dunno, I'm hoping there's something great about Gimp I can't live without. I do hate the Photoshop UI. Otherwise it's back to PS and Nuke (which also has a nice image thumbnail feature that opens just about anything). 

    Reportedly, the next version of Gimp -- 2.9.5, I believe -- opens EXR files. Haven't tried that myself, although I've tried 2.9.5; I've just never had any reason to open an EXR.

  • Many moons ago I tried the demo of both Paint Shop Pro 4 and Photoshop 4. PSP was intuitive, and had that snazzy browser. I bought PSP and all the upgrades until 9, when Corel bought them out and turned it into the failure named Paint Shop Photo X or whatever. That program never did worked right, and I've been trying for years. It just sux. It crashes when trying to browse, it crashes when you open, close, or create a new file, and it crashes while crashing.

    When I hit the Powerball, I'm going to buy Paint SHop Pro and rebuild JASC software and hire all the old team and have them make it 64-bit, with an affordable perpetual license and free minor-version upgrades, and have them put in the one thing I always wish it had: the ability to make it ignore specific file types like DXF, PDF, and those PMD files that Poser generates, because those will choke the whole thing down.

    I'll even take it back to PSP7's little thingy where you can install it on a flash drive and use it on any computer, because that's a handy-dandy feature that I still use.

    Paint Shop Pro is dead, long live Paint Shop Pro.

    And yeah, I was literally a day away from breaking down and buying the full $900+ Photoshop because I needed the advanced printing features, and they had already gone to the subscription model. *tsk* Sorry Adobe, not happening. I subscribe to cable TV, phone service, utilities, and garbage collection, not software.


  • I'm still using PS CS 5, wish I would have upgraded to CS 6 before it went subscription but I'll still keep my CS5 over a subscription any day

  • FWIWFWIW Posts: 320
    Mendoman said:


    ebergerly said:
    I never thought I'd hear so many people say they like (or prefer) that Gimp doesnt have thumbnail previews.


    I don't think anybody is against for preview images, but most Gimp users just don't miss something they have never had. It's like owning a car. If you have never owned a car, you can move around just fine, but when you get your first car, and then for some reason lose it, it seems like you can't get anywhere anymore.


    Gimp is for people that are only interested in free. See Linux people. See Blender people. Etc.

    I think most people who use Gimp or Blender just couldn't afford the price tags of their commercial counterparts. I started using both programs when I was still in school, and we didn't get any free student versions for Photoshop or Maya or whatever high priced professional tools. Sure, I would have loved to have my hands on those professional tools, but with student budget my only real options were Gimp and Blender. After I got a job, and finally could actually pay for those commercial programs, I had already learned enough of Gimp and Blender, that I could do most I wanted. What I haven't been able to do, it's more than likely mine, not the program's fault.

    Also those freeware programs nowadays are so good, that there's very little those commercial programs can do that freeware programs can't. Heh, even at my workplace ( I'm a programmer ) they didn't bother to buy me a Photoshop license, and whatever little image manipulations I have to do, I do with Gimp.


    Off-topic of an off-topic thread: Talking about freeware programs, I just found Unity. I have no idea why I haven't tried it before, but finally my Daz Studio ( which is also free by the way ) renders have a place to go.... if my game ever finishes. I'm sure Frostbite one zillion is much better and does uber graphics in 7D, but for amateurs like me, those freeware programs are more than adequate. Freeware software FTW


    I don't know I had all of the autodesk software for free from homeschooling... I still prefered Blender. I had photoshop I still prefered Gimp. I just find them more intuitive and easy to use. I am more comfortable with them. 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited November 2017

    I forgot to mention this earlier, being the thread is mainly about GIMP, but Krita is another program worth checking out.


    Some of the features are listed here...


    Not necessarily a one stop solution, but there are a bunch of cool features I like... Which I can't remember at the moment since I haven't used it for about a month... But it's cool.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • The GIMP is also for folks who prefer their software to be free as in speech ('libre') as well as free as in beer.  Also it's cross-platform: if I am familiar with it on one system, it will be familiar on another.

    I can see why you might want image previews in the file Open dialog, but it may not be the GIMP's fault that you don't get them; it may be calling the default file Open dialog for the operating system, which perhaps is not built to show image previews as it will be used for all possible types of files.  Adobe may have built a bespoke file Open dialog to show image previews.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032

    Inkscape is another free SW package that is useful at times. It is vector graphics, e.g. SVG format, oriented.


  • The GIMP is also for folks who prefer their software to be free as in speech ('libre') as well as free as in beer.  Also it's cross-platform: if I am familiar with it on one system, it will be familiar on another.

    I can see why you might want image previews in the file Open dialog, but it may not be the GIMP's fault that you don't get them; it may be calling the default file Open dialog for the operating system, which perhaps is not built to show image previews as it will be used for all possible types of files.  Adobe may have built a bespoke file Open dialog to show image previews.

    No, the file picker widget for GTK+ (the UI toolkit GIMP uses)  doesn't currently support showing more than a basic thumbnail; people have apparently been trying for between 12 and 15 years to get that added, they keep getting told in essence "write the code for it and we'll add it".

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,929

    Inkscape is another free SW package that is useful at times. It is vector graphics, e.g. SVG format, oriented.


    I used that one as well.. it's some time now

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