Peek-a-boo... Wha'd I miss?


It's been awhile. I haven't been around since the birth of Genesis 2 and I HAVE NO IDEA what's what anymore. I'm an oldie newbie or something...


Where would I start now?


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,367

    Welcome back.

    We are now on the 8 series - don't panick you haven't missed that much.

    Due to some confusion over the numbering issue daz went from Genesis 3 with Victoria 7, Michael 7 etc to Genesis 8 and Victoria and Micheal 8 etc.

    DS now has Iray as a renderer as well as 3delight and very recently dforce dynamics was introduced.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    Welcome back!! Lots has happened since Genesis 2 came out, I guess you should probably start out with DS 410, Iray and Genesis 8, Genesis 3 was/is great, but if you are starting fresh might as well go with the latest and Daz standard

  • Hey! Thanks. Ok... I will check that out! Iray, eh? OK, cool.

    OMG!! My libraries... So.. Not.. Looking... Forward... to that!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Welcome back!

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281

    Newest version of Studio includes support for dForce. Studio finally gets a dynamic system that doesn't require a major outlay of 3rd party software licensing to be able to turn a plane into a tablecloth. And works on Poser dynamic stuff too, usually.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303

    Welcome back! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I've only been around for a little over a year and a half but this community has been amazingly helpful and has taught me a TON! There has almost always been quick, friendly, and easy to understand answers to my questions. You're in good hands, so don't be shy if you have questions. :)

  • PedroCPedroC Posts: 194

    Welcome back!. My first advice, if you accept them:

    We are in a transition stage between Genesis 3 and Genesis 8. There is some improvement in the base of Genesis 8 but Genesis 3 is still a very powerful base and since you are going to restart personally I would advise you to start acquiring the tools to complete Genesis 8, you are in a good stage to do this. There is no rush.

    Everything there is of Genesis 3 is perfectly valid and usable for Genesis 8, maybe sometimes you have to use some simple trick for it but nothing complicated. If you see something of the Genesis 3 at a good price do not think about it much. At the final render level there are no differences between Genesis 3 and Genesis 8. Prepare your bank account and enjoy.

  •  Iray, eh? OK, cool.

    You are in for a treat. 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited November 2017

    JasmineSkunk.... That JasmineSkunk? 

    You missed a lot... We have all sorts of new stuff now... iRay, dForce... 4D Neural iMplants... Cats briefly staged a revolution and took over DAZ, but they got bored and turned it back over to the humans... Or robots... The old forum search engine hamster died, they got a gerbil to replace Poor Stanly, but Ned (I think that was his name) he jumped out a window after three days... Fortunately, he landed in a shrub that broke his fall... Not so fortunate that it was being fed into a wood chipper at the time...

    Uh... What else..?  Oh, yeah... One of the forum mods developed psychic powers and took over Rhode Island... She gave back after her powers faded and she realized it was Rhode Island... Uh... Oh... Fonzie jumped over a tank of man eating sharks with his motorcycle...

    The Platinum Club is now called the Platinum Club Plus... I have no idea why... It may have some to do with the cats keeping the rights to "Platinum Club"... Hexagon is free... I think... Bryce is up to version 9... Naa, I made that up... It's still in limbo along with Carrara...

    RDNA is a vendor here now... I don't think I'm supposed to mention last year's Halloween massacre... Just forget that I mentioned that... Which I didn't... Uh... What else.... Oh... DAZ has a new logo... That made a huge difference and lots of us hold our heads up higher now... It's lead to a lot of mild concussions, but I can tell you the three people who actually care about it are a lot prouder now...

    I think the forums are now healthier and are now GMO free (except for the radioactive mutant octopus) and 10% fat free... Or was it you now get 10% of a big blob of fat with every purchase over $50... I should look into that...

    Being that people have expressed interest in 3D printing figures, DAZ now has hooked up with a 3D printing service... Not that one run by goats, this one seems to be real... Uh... I mentioned iRay...?

    iRay is cool... It's a PB&J render engine... Wait... PBR... Physically Based Rendering... PB&J is Peanut Butter and Jelly rendering... That was proven to be too sticky and time consuming and it tends to muck up your graphics card... Uh... I mentioned the cats and that thing that didn't happen on Halloween... (Never use the coupon code REDRUM)... There is iRay... 

    I think that's it... So basically, you didn't miss much... Same old, same old, eh?

    Well, I'm glad you are back... Actually I'm indifferent... I was trying to be nice... We had a candlelight vigil after your last post, but most of us just gave up that you'd ever return... but technically I suppose I'm glad you are back because fewer of the old forum members are around and at least I now know you weren't eaten by rouge Canadian geese or anything like that... which is good... Not for the geese, because they need to eat too... But they probably shouldn't be eating people... That's bad. 

    I suppose I should be glad you are back... The hell with those stupid man eating geese... You were alway a nice person and you seemed to put up with my long convoluted reply posts... Or did you? Did I drive you off? I wouldn't be surprised... I'm always scaring people off... It probably the gorilla costume and the hiding in bushes and jumping out while growling and snarling... 

    Anyway, if anything I said, or any costume I wore in the past offended you, I apologize.

    The fact is I kinda don't hang around here as much anymore and the odds of me responding with one of my traditionally long and weird replies is about 79.823% less likely these days as I've decided I'm a pretty obnoxious bastard, nobody finds me funny and my opinions are not welcome, so I really try to only make short posts when I do... Which is hard to believe since this is like 2010 long... But that only because I saw your name on the thread title and said "JasmineSkunk! Oh cool, she's back!" And decided to write a long welcome back reply...

    That's not true... I'm really just bored at the moment and figured I'd see if my new fingertip is glued on right...(long story)... It wasn't and I should probably go now.

    Well, anyway... Welcome back and have fun with all the new stuff in DAZ Studio... Whatever I didn't make up... (But seriously, don't use the coupon code REDRUM)... 



    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! smiley

    Haha, McGyver!! Yes, *that* Jasmineskunk. LOL!

    My condolences to Stanley...

    I really must know more about this commandeering of Rhode Island, though. LOL.

    I missed your humour! No, there were no rogue man-eating Canadian geese involved. Just a few devils fighting for my body & soul. You know: same ol', same 'ol...

    Anyway... So glad you popped in to ramble with me a bit. smiley It is good to see you!

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