Animation pairs.

Hi all. I am no animation guy for sure, but I have recently started playing around with the timeline a bit lately. I have run into a problem with something and I am hopeing someone here will help me with it.  I am sure there is an easy solution, I am just not aware of it. I have tried using some two people files. I have this one where two guys are standing back to back like a duel is going to happen. One of the guys is overweight and has a big trench coat. His opponent is a thin guy and tall. These were individual files to start with seperate to each other. When I load each one, he comes in on a zero point in the middle. The other comes in at exactly the same place. I turn each of them to be back to back and they are on top of each other. When I move one of them left or right to seperate them some, as soon as I start the walk cycles away from each other, the one I moved jumps back to zero and again he is off set. So I started messing around a bit, and I see that all files will jump back to the original zero once started. question is this....once I load the two figures, before I start the timeline running, how can I move a character so that it will stay and not jump back to zero? Is there a way to change the zero's position? I am new at this so any help would be greatly appreciated. Not ready for aniblocks


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited November 2017

    It sounds like you may have made keyframe 0 your actually key1 & default starting location on the daz timeline. that happens when using the native daz timeline. it when you pose a character on any given keyframe even if it is keyframe zero.

    So to free that up  on the bottom of the timeline panal you'll see some key looking toogle icons. click your character first to select & to active the character your using for posing... then click the second key icon from the right to delete the keyframe & free up the #(number)keyframe giving you trouble ..  this should help

    My advice if your going to animated using daz , even though you may feel  your not ready for aniblocks, I would still recommend adding the animate or animate2 timline to your animation work flow for better edting and control of the keyframes within daz studio


    Good luck


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