Help properly using the female anatomical elements.

srholden82srholden82 Posts: 0
edited December 2017 in New Users

As I typed that subject I had to snicker. Feel free to hit me with all the jokes that came to mind when you read it. I can take it. I am a big boy.

So i have been playing with Daz for a little bit now and love it. I enjoy this so much so, that I decided to buy the Gen 8 pro-bundle for myself, and am enjoying that content as well. With all that said, it appears that i have an anatomy preset for female genetalia, and seeing that gives me a few ideas, but when i tried to apply it, the skin is all screwed up. I tried to copy and past skin materials from Victoria 8, but it doesn't look like it has worked. The genitalia is barker and there is a clear outline of where the part was slotted into the model. I just want the skin to match the surounding skin. Any ideas as to how to make that happen?



Post edited by Cris Palomino on


  • Load Genesis 8 Basic Female.

    Load her lady bits.

    Load Victoria 8 All Maps.

    There are no longer separate genitalia presets for main DAZ characters, they load hierarchically with the main skin preset if you have the genitalia loaded.

  • rames44rames44 Posts: 329

    As agent unawares says, when you load a figure such as Victoria 8, she loads with the customized mesh and textures designed by Daz. What you then add the AE, they update the mesh by “geografting” a new mesh over the previous one. Since the AE are common to lots of characters, the AE don’t, however, have any way of automagically knowing what texture they should have. So you have to reapply whatever character skin you’re using after applying the AE. That way, the texture portion of the skin associated with those bits gets properly applied.

  • A couple of gotchas; the hierarchical materials seem to be set up in all the Genesis 8 characters I have, but the Genesis 3 character materials seem to be about equally split between hierarchical and the old separate materials setup.

    Also, they only work if the geograft is properly parented to the figure as well; I had a glitch last week where the materials weren't properly applying. It turned out the geograft was fitting in properly but wasn't being parented.

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