changed ?

davesodaveso Posts: 6,794
edited December 2017 in The Commons

i had 6 items in my cart..the total was $36 . I added my PC coupon bringing it to 28. 

now I go back in and the total is $47.00  and with discount cvoupo. $41/./// whats up with that? 


Post edited by daveso on


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,129

    Some items were discounted deeper than they should have been. I think those got corrected now, giving a smaller discount. Although the features previous generation pro bundles still don't give the loyalty discount, I believe.

  • What was in the cart?

  • DaWaterRatDaWaterRat Posts: 2,882

    The loyalty discount was being applied twice on some items.

    I got caught by it too, but I sat down with a calculator, did the math, and unfortunately for my wallet - the current price is correct.  They fixed a glitch.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,794

    this is at the moment

    DAZ 12-1-17.jpg
    1636 x 920 - 428K
  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,794
    edited December 2017

    The loyalty discount was being applied twice on some items.

    I got caught by it too, but I sat down with a calculator, did the math, and unfortunately for my wallet - the current price is correct.  They fixed a glitch.

    bummer smiley I need to do the transaction right away from now on.... This has happened to me quite a bit actually. But when it rises like this, I usually clear my cart ... that $10 seems to make a big difference on whether I buy or not. 


    Post edited by daveso on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032
    daveso said:

    The loyalty discount was being applied twice on some items.

    I got caught by it too, but I sat down with a calculator, did the math, and unfortunately for my wallet - the current price is correct.  They fixed a glitch.

    bummer smiley I need to do the transaction right away from now on.... This has happened to me quite a bit actually. But when it rises like this, I usually clear my cart ... that $10 seems to make a big difference on whether I buy or not. 


    Careful with that cause unless you buy via PayPal where you can check the price one final time after it's been submitted by DAZ Store, you may get overcharged from a store credit, gift credit, debit or credit card.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,614
    Oh great! They always seem to fix a glitch BEFORE. I make my purchase. I wish I had gone ahead and bought when I loaded the stuff in the cart in the firstcplace. :-(
  • hphoenixhphoenix Posts: 1,335
    daveso said:

    The loyalty discount was being applied twice on some items.

    I got caught by it too, but I sat down with a calculator, did the math, and unfortunately for my wallet - the current price is correct.  They fixed a glitch.

    bummer smiley I need to do the transaction right away from now on.... This has happened to me quite a bit actually. But when it rises like this, I usually clear my cart ... that $10 seems to make a big difference on whether I buy or not. 


    Yep, same here.  Just cleared my cart.  Thought I was finally going to get a few of the pro bundles I'd missed.  They'd finally crossed the discount threshold where I willing to spend the money.  Now they are back above it.  Didn't really need the new release either, but with the extra discount on the bundles, it was worth it.  Not so now.

    While they may have fixed a 'glitch'.....those who went ahead and bought then got that better price, but those of us who wanted to have time to see if we wanted anything else?

    They should let the 'glitch' remain until the day ends (DAZ midnight, when offers and prices typically change)....otherwise, you get situations like this where you get some customers feeling like they got cheated simply because they were busy at work and such and couldn't do the shopping here until later.

    Not an auspicious way to start off a 'season of giving'.  *sigh*

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    hphoenix said:
    daveso said:

    The loyalty discount was being applied twice on some items.

    I got caught by it too, but I sat down with a calculator, did the math, and unfortunately for my wallet - the current price is correct.  They fixed a glitch.

    bummer smiley I need to do the transaction right away from now on.... This has happened to me quite a bit actually. But when it rises like this, I usually clear my cart ... that $10 seems to make a big difference on whether I buy or not. 


    Yep, same here.  Just cleared my cart.  Thought I was finally going to get a few of the pro bundles I'd missed.  They'd finally crossed the discount threshold where I willing to spend the money.  Now they are back above it.  Didn't really need the new release either, but with the extra discount on the bundles, it was worth it.  Not so now.

    While they may have fixed a 'glitch'.....those who went ahead and bought then got that better price, but those of us who wanted to have time to see if we wanted anything else?

    They should let the 'glitch' remain until the day ends (DAZ midnight, when offers and prices typically change)....otherwise, you get situations like this where you get some customers feeling like they got cheated simply because they were busy at work and such and couldn't do the shopping here until later.

    Not an auspicious way to start off a 'season of giving'.  *sigh*

    It would have been painful if the "Everything G3F in the store for free!" glitch had lasted all day.
    It only lasted 50 minutes, but I got friction burns on my mouse pad, and my wrist is still sore.

  • hyteckithyteckit Posts: 167

    I was about to purchase something and I notice a few items went up in price after a smaller discount. Guess it wasn't just me.

    Was checking to see if there were or will be better deals.

    How were the deals during Black Friday?

    The current Loyalty Rewards deals seem pretty good.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,794

    DAZ math is wrong anyway... I have Michael 7 Pro Bundle in my cart right now ... it was one of the item that changed ... but if you look at the product page,  it is listed at $134.95 with a 66% discount ... $47.23.

    I got out my calculater and 66% off $134.95 is $45.88   not 47.23 ... actually 65% .... who knows ... obviously getting sa pro bundle for less than $10 is a great deal, but the pricing is not correct. every dollar counts.... aqnd adds up fast if you purchase quite a bit. 

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