Today's Sale Page Crashing Browser on Android?

Is anybody else having problems with today's sale page crashing when running on Android?  It may be because I'm trying to use it with my Galaxy Note 12.1 tablet which is still running Android 5.  But all browsers just shut down as soon as I start to scroll.  It works fine on my desktop but I've got 32-gb of memory on my desktop.  Also works ok on my Galaxy S7 running Android 7.  I've never had any problems with the tablet, right up until this morning.  I don't suppose they're trying to load the entire store onto the sale page, are they?  It seems like they have a whole lot more individual products. They used to only show a handfull with a button to filter the rest in the regular store front.


  • It's not just the sale page; I get fairly regular crashing on the forums on Android with Firefox.

  • Yeah, I tried Firefox, too.  Updated both Firefrox and Chrome.  No joy... no shopping while eating lunch.  Oh, shucks... guess I'll just have to use stuff I already own.


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  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342

    Yeah, it seems the main sales page had tons of items on the bottom. On the PC I kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.

    I don't use the Kindle to go to DAZ anymore because it won't let me put anything into the cart. Otherwise it works okay.

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