Question about Advanced Light Presets for AoA’s Lights

gideon.lupinegideon.lupine Posts: 14
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I am trying to learn about AoA’s Advanced Lights using DimensionTheory's Advanced Light Presets.

I don't understand DimensionTheory's naming and grouping system for his presets.

Is there a help text or pdf I missed someplace?

What are the files marked spec accent?

Is there a DimensionTheory's Advanced Light Presets.sample scene made of primitives?

I would like to know the perfect spot in each preset for 1 camera, 1 plane/floor, and 1 primitive.

With that as a starting and reference point, I can learn the rest.

A scene made of a camera, a plane floor, and 1 genesis model would be great.


  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715
    edited December 1969

    I'd like to know why the spotlights in the Three Point presets point off into's a little bit creates a nice effect but, yeah :p Not always desirable.

    Would also like to know if the Specular accents are supposed to complement the Simple lights. I usually bash my own set together anyway using these lights, just so they already have their settings applied.

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