Store Feature Request: All About Bundles!

Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Due to economies of scale, I almost always buy a bundle, even if it only has 2 or 3 things I think I'll use. In fact, when I begin to see similar items for different characters, or collections of similar items from one PA, I will almost always WAIT in the hopes for a bundle, even when none has been mentioned by DAZ or the PA who offers those items.

Not just the word "bundle", sure I can search on that. But it gets complicated, for instance if I want to know if LY or i13 have bundles, what was in them, and whether or not I got one of those items individually or as part of ANY bundle.

Example 1: It would be nice to click on a link for somebody's store and have a checkbox to make the bundles come to the top, even if I am sorting on new items or price.

Example 2: It would be convenient to use the filter pane on the left side of my screen to filter on bundles.

Example 3: When I am logged onto the store and I'm looking at a bundle, I would like to have those items I already own show up with some sort of indicator so that I know I already have these. This will help me decide if it's still worth it to purchase the whole bundle to just finish the collection.

Example 4: When I am logged onto the store and I'm looking at an item that I've already purchased, the store button will be grey and will say "Already purchased", even if I bought that item as part of a bundle. This is a huge HUGE help, but I think it should go one step further and show me "Already purchased as part of Michael 6 Pro Bundle". This will help me stay on track and better manage my assets.

My library page already does this, but it's a manual process, requiring me to enter search criteria and generally futz around more than I would like.

I would like these features added to the DAZ Store for even greater convenience.

I guess I'm asking for "bundles" to become a "thing" in the store, not just a word I can search on. I would also like to have all the individual items in my DIM database show up as "purchased separately" or "purchased as part of XXX bundle" so that I can get a better grip on the things I bought. In Object-Oriented programming and design parlance, I'm probably asking to add "bundle" as an object (or type of object), which would be a major project.

However, if DAZ is already working on Hex3, Bryce 8, or Carrara 9, then I'll gladly wait for my bundling metadata. ;-)

Thanks for hearing me out on this matter. :-)

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