Slightly OT - Daz3D related ads ... where do you find 'em?

patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Never mind the reasons why ... let's have some fun.
When surfing the 'Net, every now and then these ads appear which quite frankly are not related to the search topic at all.

Here's one to start.

Daz3D and ..., who would have thought!

1. Daz3D and Nibiru Canada Stretch Zone

799 x 661 - 167K


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    The DAZ you are seeing is not part of the pages "Related Ads". It is a revenue generating coded ad that uses embedded data in your browser to send targeted ads base on your web surfing history. There are ad blocker plug-ins for most browsers that will block them.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 1969

    the ads are "customized" by your browsing habits. Case in point I was looking to model a handbag in blender and I was besieged by ads from Coach, I needed to find a part for my truck I was inundated with truck ads. Those are the only two examples I can give because I've run out of synonyms but it's not Daz adverting all over the web so much as it's you go there you see ads for it, I get them too. I think they can be shut down with 3rd party plugins for Firefox and Chrome but I don't pay much attention to ads so I don't bother.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for reading ...

    Never mind the reasons why

    We all know Google tracks and we know Google was told by this country to cut it out ... obvious Google is listening ... the point being that sometimes the related ads which should be showing up are so not related that it's funny. Every other ad was "on target", 'k.

    So, your samples are???

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