The Wizards Library - A Multi Figure Scene - Now complete!

shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
edited October 2013 in Art Studio

A carry on from the previous thread which can be found among the archives: Here

The Wizards Library

According to those who know me best, I am a bookworm of the highest order, so I was ecstatic when Jack Tomalin released The Library.

The first thing that came to mind was Hogwarts Library, so here is my version:

The Wizards Library
A larger version can be seen here and you can follow the progress here

It may have taken close to two years for this to be completed, but it is now done. You can see the finished version below or see the larger version here.

1024 x 481 - 1022K
800 x 376 - 256K
Post edited by shaaelia on


  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Figures one and two:

    566 x 307 - 139K
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited May 2012

    Figures three and four:

    640 x 492 - 218K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Figure 5:

    500 x 738 - 287K
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Figure 6:

    576 x 500 - 205K
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Figures 7 and 8:

    640 x 500 - 234K
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited May 2012

    Figures 9 and 10:

    347 x 500 - 129K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited May 2012

    Figures 11 and 12:

    498 x 255 - 103K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited May 2012

    The whole scene with figures 1 thru to 12:

    800 x 376 - 256K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited May 2012

    The full, larger scale scene with figures 1 thru to 14 can be found: Here

    Figures 13 and 14:

    293 x 265 - 46K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited May 2012

    Figures 15 and 16:

    800 x 376 - 242K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    And now for the start of the new figures, who've been waiting for the new forums to arrive:

    Figures 17 to 19:

    660 x 576 - 289K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I've been waiting on this!! Thank you!

  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    :-) It's so incredibly good to have this back up again!

    I recently went to put the base scene onto a canvas to see what it would look like, and discovered that the final resolution isn't high enough, so I'll be re-rendering at a higher res and (hopefully) adjusting a few minor things along the way. Will post notices and updates when I have them.

    Also have a few more figures ready to go, they just need editing in :)

  • gingercakes47gingercakes47 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    Going to be one awesome scene with the higher resolution. Looking great already and am waiting to see the new figures added.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Oh, you've reposted this thread. Kewl! :coolsmile:

  • BlackbirdwakeBlackbirdwake Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    O, these are very nice. Very whimsical. I like them. Well done.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,094
    edited December 1969

    ...beautifully done. I love the little fey tending to the light.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,424
    edited December 1969

    Oooh nice :)

    I look forward to seeing this progress!

  • HalcionHalcion Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    :coolsmile: Cool renders. The library is great to work with. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited June 2012

    Apologies for taking so long, between doing my first ever thesis and work and home, I haven't had much time at all for Daz. :ohh: Horrifying thought, really. :-) The little time I've had was spent trying to up the resolution of the renders, with no luck as of yet. I really need to update my computer for it to be seamless, so until I figure a work around, will keep plodding on.

    gingercakes47, thank you. I've had a few difficulties with getting it into hires, but still have a few ideas to try out before giving up.

    Miss B, thanks, glad you're liking it :-)

    Blackbirdwake, thank you. Whimsical is the perfect word for the image :-)

    Kyoto Kid, thanks :) They were fun to do. I believe I may have lightened them somewhat in the next all-in scene to make them stand out slightly more.

    Jack Tomalin - the man himself! Thank you for checking this out, and of course for making such an inspiring scene in the first place. :-)

    Halcion, it is great to work with, isn't it? The lighting was a real learning curve when I set it up, but the props are so beautifully detailed. I love the detail on the pillars.

    I mustn't forget, of course, the update...

    Figures twenty and twenty one.
    Woe betide the one who through carelessness drops a book at the feet of a book lover.

    456 x 570 - 205K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Another new figure.

    Figure 22 - Browsing for a book.

    351 x 444 - 131K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,094
    edited December 1969

    ...nice to see this still in production.

    ...interesting all the ebots for threads I've been subscribed to and have been on more recently have broken and now I get one for a thread I haven;t been involved with for over a month.

    Daz,, fix the bloody forums.


    ...I'll bring donuts.

  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Kyoto, I'm not giving up on this one, uni's had me so busy lately that I've finally said 'enough!' and taken a few days out to render. This unit finishes in two weeks though, so may have a bit more time to render, depending on the workload of the next unit.

    I'll match your doughnuts and add in every Dazzites favorite drink too!

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,424
    edited December 1969

    Shaaelia said:
    Thanks Kyoto, I'm not giving up on this one, uni's had me so busy lately that I've finally said 'enough!' and taken a few days out to render. This unit finishes in two weeks though, so may have a bit more time to render, depending on the workload of the next unit.

    I'll match your doughnuts and add in every Dazzites favorite drink too!

    What Kyoto said.. and.. Whiskey!


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,094
    edited December 1969

    Shaaelia said:
    Thanks Kyoto, I'm not giving up on this one, uni's had me so busy lately that I've finally said 'enough!' and taken a few days out to render. This unit finishes in two weeks though, so may have a bit more time to render, depending on the workload of the next unit.

    I'll match your doughnuts and add in every Dazzites favorite drink too!

    What Kyoto said.. and.. Whiskey!

    ...small batch single row, of course.

  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Get to sit down to a glass of whiskey tonight with my birthday dinner - looking forward to it! :)

  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305
    edited December 1969

    Your library is looking really many more are you going to add?

  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited August 2012

    I'm aiming for at least 50 (as a total count) - it depends on what happens after that. Think of including some Apollo and Antonia and a few of the other non-Daz characters. Have a family moving in soon, so keep an eye out for them :-)

    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited August 2012

    Time for another update! :)

    Figures 23 and 24 - A thief of knowledge - but she's been spotted!

    400 x 622 - 415K
    Post edited by shaaelia on
  • shaaeliashaaelia Posts: 613
    edited December 1969

    Two things - I've started on the 'painting' that will replace the mirror in the background. I've started adding figures into that, would you be interested in seeing it's progress as well? It's not ready to share yet, but when it's time, I can post the renders for that one too. There'll be between 10 and 20 figures within that scene.

    Secondly, is it time to post another full scene shot? Figures 25 and 26 are rendering away at the moment, and after reaching the quarter of a century mark, I was thinking of posting the full scene again, with all 26 figures in it. What do you think?

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