Reality 4 problems
I have bought Reality 4 and it can certainly produce high quality images, but then so can 3Delight if you ramp up the settings. Renderosity 4 is much slower (but I can cope with that), but it also does not really seem to be fully compatible with DAZ - there are a number of issues that need tweaking, and you have to find out what to tweak. There is an issue with Victoria 4s lips, but I found a fix for that elsewhere on the forum. There are 2 other issues that I don't know what to do about.
1. Normally, I like to render with a transparent background. In Reality 4, I know there is a setting for this, but whenever I tick it and render, I get a log meassage as follows "Premultipled Alpha enabled but alpha channel was not selected for OpenEXR, forcing alpha channel in output" ( NO idea what that means!) and the render does not have a transparent background. It seems there is something else I need to do, but I don't know what.
2. The eyes rarely seem to render as well as in 3Delight - they often seem dark. There is some reference to this on the Pret-a-3D website but I don't fully understand the suggested remedy.
Can anyone help?
There is a video on how to resolve it on YOutube (titled something like "no more black eyes")
Reality 4 for DS is full of bugs and problems, you might find some answers to your problems over at RDNA.
There has been 1 update that addressed some problems.
1) that's true - I'm encountering a lot even with the update (mainly with merging figures into a scene and late-added figures not showing up in Reality, R4 crashing, and the like - just when I thought that was resolved, I had it again last night when I tried to make a more complex scene with several figures).
2) as far as I know the dark eyes thing is not one of the bugs, it's a difference in how coronas are recognized in Lux: they have to be clear (which means also no bump maps, which aren't read anyhow and probably shouldn't be in eyes but certain characters "ship" with coronas having eye and bump maps). At least for me, once I did all that correctly, I stopped getting dark eyes.
(P.S> pardon my idiocy: I kept writing "corona" when I meant "cornea").
Do you mean transparency maps? I've never seen bump maps on the cornea, perhaps I've never thought to look, but that wouldn't make sense as the cornea is very smooth by its nature; it wouldn't function properly otherwise. Other eye parts, such as the iris may well have them, which is not a problem. The issue is that the cornea and the eye reflection surfaces on DAZ models increasingly have trans maps to create false reflections. These are handy in 3Delight, but in Luxrender you should, at least in theory, rely on the lights and objects in the scene to create reflections naturally and thus you should remove the the maps. Having said that, the maps can still be used in situations where suitable reflections are not being picked up due to the nature of the lighting and the scene. Photographers have been known to add fake reflections to eyes, after all: it's an artistic choice. But whatever, it isn't a bug. The maps are there and I don't think it's Reality's job to decide to ignore them—it should be up to the user.
I strictly mean "any maps" though IIRC Reality sometimes puts trans maps into either bump or displacement when the figure is loaded into Reality. Anyhow all maps should be taken out of cornea, trans maps or otherwise, or they will render dark. Cornea, in Reality, should be clear glass.
As for both that and the issue of reflections, the video I mentioned earlier explains why they're not needed (and may even be a bad idea) in Reality (I personally don't go so far as thinking they're necessarily a reason to change out the eyes entirely, the way the video does; simply following the instructions with the cornea surface eliminates the dark eyes problem, at least for me).
That video is here:
We recommend that you post in the commercial thread for Reality 4 since the creator monitors there.