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the clouds are on sale. i sacrificed other things in my cart, pounced on this 1 lol
Looks like a worthy purchase, Misty.
I'm currently attempting to contact DimensionTheory abuot sponsoring a future Challenge. Standard PM doesn't work. If anyone knows other contact information, please let me know. As a last gasp, I will send Daz a ticket.
Ça marche toujours aussi mal Daz :-((
Quand je suis sur la page du produit il y a une réduction et quand je vais sur mon achat la réduction a disparu !!!
It's still working so badly Daz: - ((
When I am on the product page there is a discount and when I go on my purchase the discount has disappeared !!!
Refresh the page a time or two (cmd-R / F5), the discount usually comes back.
Thank you TangoAlpha,
but it does not work and now the reduction is gone!
It's also often that I discover a reduction in the morning (in France) on Daz, but it does not last long enough in the day for me to benefit.
GRRRR again
Merci TangoAlpha, mais cela ne fonctionne pas et maintenant la réduction a disparu !
C'est souvent aussi que je découvre une réduction le matin (en France) sur Daz, mais qu'elle ne dure pas assez longtemps dans la journée pour que j'en profite.
GRRRR again
You could try using a different browser, sometimes that can help.
Yes Phil, change browser ... and change language and change Mac for PC and ... change soft !!!
SVP arrêtez vous de râler, je sais que c'est typiquement français mais PhilW n'avait que ajouté son commentaire pour vous aider en toute sincérité !
Comment ça c'est typiquement français de râler. C'est honteux de dire des choses comme ça.

SVP arrêtez vous de râler, je sais que c'est typiquement français mais PhilW n'avait que ajouté son commentaire pour vous aider en toute sincérité !
Comment ça je râle !!!
Mais non, je ne râle pas, j'explique ;-)
Désolé Phil, il n'y avait aucune mauvaise pensée dans mon message et merci pour l'aide. :)
(J'aime beaucoup la réponse de Philemo :D
How am I moaning !!!
But no, I do not moan, I explain ;-)
Sorry Phil, there was no bad thought in my message and thanks for the help. :)
(I really like Philemo's answer :D)
Et puis, est-ce que j'ai la tête de quelqu'un qui râle ?
And then, do I have the head of someone who moans?
No problem, no offence taken.
cmment talle vous?
I think my Google translator is playing up.... oooh la la
you need to pay her more
Several of the tutorials for Carrara are on sale. Percentage sale goes up if you buy new things, which includes a tutorial on using UVLayout. Some of the tutorials on sale are PhilW's animaiton tutorial, Mmoir's walk cycle and vertex modeling. The Digital Art Live store is on sale, which has Tiffany's PD Howler videos.
in FG
tempted by the luxury yacht in megaflashsale.
aside rom iray opacities, what else could go wrong?
bit of tinkering, could run on pumpkin spice
I'm tempted by that yatot as well - closest I'll ever get to owning one!
Me too (on both counts!). And that's a heck of a good price considering the amount of work that's gone into it.
the bundle comes with bonus presets
tee hee, r/l yacht. dont expect to be ever imvited to cruise either. lifestyles of the rich and famous
I may get zapped for this, but for Poser format/Carrara folks, here is a pretty impressive option for a luxury yacht:
In my weak defence, the reviews say it works well in Daz Studio.
i remember the rmp 1.
here;s few quick renders, tried doors. dragged glass shader on windows for the last few
New freebies, mostly clothing:
I have a new product out today (Morena Hair for Genesis 8 and 3 males and females) so my store is on sale again, including all the Carrara content.
Another fabulous hair
And I see you managed to get Cripeman mentioned in the promos too!