Any textures that work well with the hooves morph in the G8 HFS Ultimate Shapes?
Are there any G8F andG8M textures or products that work well with hoof morphs in the G8 HFS Ultimate Shapes bundle? they morph the whole foot so 2 of the toes form the hoofs, the toenail is only part of the hoof. Alternatively any simple tutorials on alering the UV maps so I could create a hoof zone to use the toenail materials or similar myself?
Or would creating a material zone for the hoofs be better handled by something like a Geoshell & transparency map??
There is Joequick's Fantasy Deer which looks really good, but that seems to take a different approach to the legs from looking at the store page. I also prefer the look of mixing HFS Legs 01 Hoofed & Legs 02 Hoofed for what I have in mind. But if that can be used with them or the legs can be made sturdier it would be basically prefect.
Incidentally is there any project like the HFS Ultimate Shapes in the work for G9? Because they are incredibly versatile.
ED spelling, more thoughts
ED 2: Looks like a Geoshell is a good place to start, I think it will need a transparency map too, though