Smartprop Surgical and Dental Tools

Just that. Scalpels to bone saws, mirro, hygenist tools, scapers, etc.
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Just that. Scalpels to bone saws, mirro, hygenist tools, scapers, etc.
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There is this if you retexture it:
West Park Ailments | Daz 3D
Also, if you search "Victorian" it brings up other, mostly old fashioned, medical kit.
Then search for "surgery", "hospital", "elderly" , I'm not sure what you'll get there but I know there is a bit of stuff.
Most products, but probably not all:
Z Medical Equipment and Poses for Genesis 8 and 8.1 | Daz 3D
i13 Dental Bundle | Daz 3D
FG Examination Room | Daz 3D
FG Dentist Office | Daz 3D
Z Medical Equipment and Poses for Genesis 8 and 8.1 | Daz 3D
Kyoto Dental Clinic | Daz 3D
Thank you, but of all these, only the first dental tools are smartprops.
It can be tricky but you can do the keyboard+mouse shortcut to drag a prop onto the hand in the scene, on the operating table, and so on for those non-smart-propped items.
What is this shortcut, now?
eg: I have a Genesis 9 figure loaded. I want to parent a scapel into the right hand. I select in the Content Library or the Smart Content the scapel preset, select it, not double click it as that would add it to the scene in the default location, after the scapel preset icon is highlighted/selected I hold down the CTRL(controlk key) and the LMB(left mouse button) and drag slowly into the scene. If will at first be the mouse cursor turns into a NULL sign like your are doing it wrong but once you get into the scene preview window it turns into a very small + sign. Keep dragging that + sign until the preview scene window pops up a message asking what bone in the DAZ figure you want to parent the scapel to, it'll do that when you are near those bones on the figure. Once you select the right bone, releaser the mouse button and you'll pretty darn close to where your need to be, you might need to go to the scene tab and go to the prop/bones in there to move it from a finger bone to the hand or adjust the positioning and scale. I often do.
What I do is:
a) I get the pose of the scene as exactly right as I can for characters & everything but props I need to parent.
b) Drag the props into the hand (or whatever bone I want it parented too)
c) I move it in the Scene tab sometimes if I'm too clumsy to drop the prop on the right bone or the figure is in an awkward pose that make targeting the prop difficult.
d) I adjust the scale or position of the prop to be like I want.
e) Sometimes I will unparent a prop, make adjustments to the pose or scale or both of the parent figure and then reparent the prop when that is done, but not always. I do this when a prop is being obstinate about my posing it in the manner I want it to be, and unparenting those cases makes the posing of the prop easier. You'll know when you need to it that way.