Anyone knows how to bake displacement maps of gen 9 models imported into blender?

My plan is to simulate hd morphs by sculpting hd details after simply importing the obj of the model's base mesh into blender and adding multires modifier. But I am lost on how to bake and use that detail back in daz. Any help would be appreciated.
I tried using easy import to bring hd mesh and bake the displacement maps to use in daz. But no idea what values to put in under the surface values for the displacement map.
Post edited by flowprince on
If I understand correctly, you create a displacement map in blender then want to import it in daz studio. You just have to assign it to the relative channel in the uber shader or any shader of your choice. As for the exact values to assign for displacement, it depends what blender units you use, but the default for blender is meters while the default for daz studio is centimeters.
I created the displacement map using the Bake Maps options in diffeo after using easy import. I then put the displacement map corresponding to Body of the model in the surface settings. But it's not appearing exactly like it did in blender and not sure which settings for min, max displacement I should use. There's issues at the seams too. I believe the scale in blender is 0.01.
I'd use 0 for min and blender*100 for max, but personally I don't export from blender to daz rather the opposite. May be you can also get better help on the daz studio forum about the best min max values, or why there's seams for imported displacements.