StrangeFate's stuff: Brutal Gear Gauntlets & Armbands Promos.



  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807
    edited May 2019

    IceDragon - Would love to have a room like that too of course. Leave me a modern kitchen and bathroom and the rest can go medieval :p


    Oh and I looked up the curse of the Oak island Greg... do they ever actually find anything ?


    And a decoration prop I just finished texturing. The chain attachments at the bottom will have to go probably, no room anymore the way the room is put together:

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,621
    edited May 2019

    Yes - they've spent millions and brought in all sorts of heavy equipment, including building a gigantic coffer damn to hold the ocean back at Smith's Cove so they can excavate (where the water source for the booby-trap flood system is thought to be).

    The most recent disvoveries include numerous wooden structures that have been accurately dated through dendrochronology (dating trees by the rings) to 1769. That time period fuels speculation about the founding/funding of the US as a country. They also do a lot of ground penetrating radar, and recently, in the swamp between the 2 sections of the island, they think they've found evidence of a sunken (possibly intentionally scuttled) Spanish Galleon.

    Exactly what the treasure is, who deposited it, when it was deposited and if it is still there is unknown. There's lots of ties to much older periods in history, including the Templars, who were forced to scatter in 1307 when Philip IV of France ordered the arrest & execution of all Knights Templar (rather than repaying the huge debt he owed them). Many are believed to have gone to Scotland (Oak Island is part of Nova Scotia) after gathering up all of their money and priceless artifacts (among other things, the Templars functioned as a bank back then).

    Here's a lead cross that found on the island which has be scientifically identified as coming from a quarry in France and matches a carving on a stone wall of a Templar prison at Domme, France:

    One theory suggests that the Templars continued through secret societies throughout history, such as the Free Masons (it is well documented that many of the founding fathers of the US were Free Masons).

    Anyway, sorry for such a lengthy OT post in your thread, but I find it fascinating! (got a little carried away - let me know if you want it to go away and I'll delete it)

    BTW, the shield and polearm look fantastic. I wish you two would make an entire castle, including the exterior . . .

    - Greg


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807

    All good, I find that stuff fascinating too, always enjoyed movies around the topic too like national treasure... even if they're not supposed to be great movies.

    Sounds interesting, they seem to have the funds to follow any hunch they have, something most treasure hunters can probably only dream of :)


  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391

    oh, fantastic work on that room and the props!  I don't know how I missed this thread.  Looks like it's been around for awhile now.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,621

    Yeah their operations have expanded over the years as the popularity of the show has grown and they could start playing with house money.

    I wasn't kidding about hoping you and Rogue do an entire castle - do you do exteriors?

    - Greg

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807
    edited May 2019

    Thanks Slosh! :)


    Greg - Originally I was planning to do the male armors then a set of exterior sets that could be combined together, but with Roguey now... I wasn't expecting her to be so fast. She's got everything for 2 additional fantasy interiors modeled already...

    Either way, yes, I want to do exteriors. Someone released recently a new product to allow alpha blending between Iray materials if I read it correctly so that would help a lot, even if it means people would ned to have that extra product too. Been thinking a lot lately about how I would go about blending things otherwise.

    The second interior is a tavern / Inn in the style of the one you see in Game of Thrones, located in some forest crossroads. I'm hoping that for that one she'll be able to do most of the interior alone with some texturing and layout design help, while I do the exterior and a chunk of path/forest... but I have yet to see if I can do eveything the way I'd like to, not sure yet.


    Been putting eveything in the room and adjusted lighting a bit..

    Some props only have  WIP texture Roguey did. 2 Vases are missing and the drinking horn haning above the fireplace. Shield with the Dragon painting is also just temporary. There's a really cool and tall wardrobe on the other side of the room, but alas, no proper textures yet either. The render time was set to 60 mins at 1600x1000






    Post edited by Chohole on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,621

    Happy days!

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807
    edited May 2019

    Finished the shields. Things were looking a bit too perfect so I made a quick sheet with cobwebs to place around. I'll place them better when I do the shippable final scene of the room.

    Some of the props in the render below still only have a temporary texture and other surfaces still need tweaks, so don't look to closely!


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited May 2019

    Note to self: Save all pocket change, raid hubby's stash of change, and start setting $ aside in extra savings account… Must. Own. All. These. Sets!

    Wow. Just, wow. Even the temporary and "still need tweaks" textures look fantastic in your renders. I can hardly wait.

    Definitely enamored with the work the two of you are putting out.

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,621
    edited May 2019

    Yeah the old painted wood looks excellent. I particularly like the design of Huginn and Muninn with the knotty tales - awesome!

    - Greg

    ETA: Just went back and looked at all of the renders you've posted in this thread and saw the iron sconces for the first time. The iron is a perfect example of what you were talking about with edges catching light. They look incredibly real.

    Started a Ragnar Lothbrok type character a long time ago, but never finshed him - date on the file was April of 2017 yikes! You've inspired me to finish him up in time to move in. Hope pets are allowed cuz he's got a dog lol


    Post edited by algovincian on
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807
    edited May 2019

    Ragnar would approve of the bedroom for sure, and the dog can sleep on the bed!

    Some more finished stuff:

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807
    edited May 2019

    And some renders with the dresser. Again, Some materials need updates or tweaks still to make things work better together in the image.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,621

    That is one sexy drinking horn! There wouldn't happen to be a nice bearded axe to go along with it, would there?

    The lighting looks particularly good in these last 2 images, also. The bloom works really well.

    - Greg

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807

    No axe included I'm afraid :/

    Finished texturing the last piece of furniture, might make the side panels darker so they don't stand out that much.
    Only major things left are the bed stuff, after that just material tweaking and adding some dirt overlays probably.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Truly stunning.  Kudos to both of you.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,618

    This looks incredible! I'm very much looking forward to it! :D

  • SummerhorseSummerhorse Posts: 684

    The room and it's furnishings are absolutely wonderful!! I love all the different rough wood textures and the rock on the walls is exceptional.

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807

    Thanks everybody, It's pretty much done, just doing icons and building the final scenes :)

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966

    It looks cool :) I mean very good yes

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807

    A quickie, tweaking stuff... final version has some debris on the floor etc

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807

    Bedroom is done and in Promo / Beta testing land... Will come with a day light and night time scenes already set up:


  • escrandallescrandall Posts: 487

    Really amazing attention to detail.  Not the genre I normally use, but it will be an instant purchase when it comes out.

  • Lyrra MadrilLyrra Madril Posts: 277

    Warning you ahead of time that DAZ is going to reject all the images with the girls and ask for their butts to be more covered up.  Use the Bandeau Twist bikini as your guide for the areas that MUST be covered.

    No side boob, no underboob, no areola visible, no er .. genital indent,  no exposed buttcheeks.  

    Good luck!


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,914

    Holy crap man that place is amazing!!! 0.0

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807
    edited June 2019

    Thanks all!

    Lyrra - A good point I hadn't really thought about, thanks. I'll make sure nothing shows too much. I've only been reusing poses I already used for the armor promos and in some cases they were wearing less there, so it should all be mostly fine I think. I think that as long as the buttcheeks etc are not the main focus of the image, or the poses/images are not somehow sexually 'charged', they seem to be fine with it.

    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 807

    Another promo image:

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    To be honest, I personally don't think you need any figures in the promos showing off the room. One, maybe two artistic renders with a figure should be plenty. As a buyer, I'd rather see the details of the product I'm buying. And I am buying this…! (Can hardly wait!)

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,461

    Looking forward to this

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,361
    L'Adair said:

    To be honest, I personally don't think you need any figures in the promos showing off the room. One, maybe two artistic renders with a figure should be plenty. As a buyer, I'd rather see the details of the product I'm buying. And I am buying this…! (Can hardly wait!)

    I think that is a good observation. One or two with people to show that the scale of the room is correct for Daz characters is enough. Show the room you are selling.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,621
    edited June 2019

    Judging by the promos for the apartment they released, I think there's going to be numerous promos sans figures:

    I wouldn't worry ;)

    - Greg

    ETA: I also think it's important to see that the set can be rendered (fitting in VRAM) with numerous figures loaded at the same time.

    Post edited by algovincian on
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