Rotation Limits on Genesis in Poser

Starfish42Starfish42 Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I'm somewhat dismayed at the rotation limits set on Genesis. They are very limited - it is difficult to get Genesis (male or female) into even remotely dramatic poses. EG It is difficult to get Genesis to put its hands behind its back. I presume that in DS it is possible to switch the limits off relatively easily - in Poser, the limits are "forced", meaning that the only way of switching off the limits is to go to each rotation on each body part and untick the "forced limits" box. This is a long job - there are a lot of boxes to untick... It is perfectly possible for limits to be set and controlled from the Poser Figure menu without being "forced" - V4 and M4 did not have "forced limits" ticked, so they could have their limits switched off from the Poser menu.

I've noted that a number of the commercial pose set creators (DM, for example) say that limits have to be switched off, for what are relatively straight-forward poses.

I can't see any immediate reason why the Poser version of Genesis is set up this way. It ought to be possible to correct this. If the only choices are "forced limits" or "no limits", my vote is for "no limits". Frankly, putting forced limits on seems particularly inappropriate for a figure which is designed to be morphed easily into a wide variety of shapes.

Having said that, I also notice that when I click the "Use limits" button on the Poser menu, Genesis vanishes. Anyone any idea why?

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