G3F Footwear Content

I know I said some negative things about G3 skeletal controls. I must admit I was wrong about many things and eating some of my words. Some of them. Not all of them.

Turns out my problem is more of a content issue thatn a G3 issue. Especially the footwear. I think this is what frustrates me the most.

With G2F I pretty much used one foot pose for everything and could simply change shoes from one pair to the next with some minor finite tweaking from pose to pose. Not so with G3 footwear

With G3, each shoe has it's own foot pose, and that foot pose needs to be reapplyed for each and every pose. Do you want to change shoes? Well...you are going to have to delete your charachter and re import her again to do so. You can't just simply change. Many of the unique foot posses will not zero back out completley. I never had these issues with G2F.

While the new G3F footwear content is sexy and look great, it takes twice the work to get what G2F did rather simply.

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