Need suggestions on Asian texture choice

There are a lot of Asian textures available on the store but I was wondering which Genesis/A4/V4/M4 texture would be best for making a Japanese character. I want to make a samurai character and I'm looking for Texture and hair suitable for samurai.
For the hair, try Way of the Samurai: . It also has plenty of samurai clothes (no armor, though), and a set of daisho.
For textures, have a look at Ryuu International: . It's got a choice of 9 heads and 9 bodies as well as the skin texture, with or without facial hair, tattoo, or armpit hair. There's also 3 more heads/bodies in last year's Christmas freebies.
What about for females?
Naoki is one of my favorite textures: (and she even comes with a fantasy-samurai makeup option). Also, check out V4 Elite Maya (a Japanese woman was used as a photo reference, I believe):
Edited to add: Ryuu International was mentioned above. Here's his female counterpart, Eri International (requires V5):
Here are a few items to help you...
Gotta Have a Place to fight and hang out...
This ought to hold you for awhile
Best of luck!
I forgot to mention Eri. It's another great character set.
Check this:
For females, some of my favorite Asian textures are Modern Muse Umeko, Warrior Maiden Okami, Naoki, Akae, Mei Yin...For males the only one I've used extensively is Elite Lee, but Ryuu looks very nice as well and I can definitely recommend the vendor.
Do the Elite body shapes work on Genesis or do I need GenX to make it work?
You would need GenX with the V4/M4 shapes for Genesis.
For Asian textures, check among Morris's characters, there are at least 5-6:
I didn't want to buy a lot of textures so I was hoping for suggestions as to which one(one male and one female) would be best.
People posted their favourites. As did I.
You will have to sift through the choices to see which one will work best for you.
I bought Ryu international and noticed that it had a 64-bit installer. Do all products now have 64-bit installers or only those from Genesis and V5 onwards have them. Do I need to redownload all my content for the 64-bit installer?