Keymate and Morphing Question

Hello! I'm animating a short film using Keymate to copy and repeat a figure and prop sequence. The figure has a few shape morphs that appear and dissapear a few keys in. Copying the keys in Keymate and repeating them works for possitioning but not morphs. Is there a way, in Keymate or even without, to copy and paste those morphs so I can accurately copy and paste my animation down the timeline further? I would prefer to not manually recreate them as this is time consuming. Thanks in advance for the help:)


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Do you set parameter type as "TRSV" for key mate, then set  as "Object?" if you set "Object", then select root node, and set Key,  Key mate can set key about  all parameter of the figure. (though it name as object). not each node.

    then you can copy and paste keys of whole as one key (collapse hieralchy) 

    and if you expand, you should find all individual controller and morphs assgined for each nodes. then you can clean up, un-need keys or copy paste keys with border selection.then when change current frame, paste your copied keys.

    all move vertex morphs are actually located under the root node>values. but it depend on which figure you using (genesis or V4 A3 etc), and if morphed are changed value by ERC you need to set, copy and paste keys of controller . keymate only copy and paste Row values. not current values.

    it means even though current scale value = 0.8,  if it was changed by controller A,  you may only need to set key for controller A, then copy and paste controller A value. if you only copy and paste. scale value, figure not change scale. it happen about morhpA and controller B too.   we need to set key ,copy and paste, about those contoller, not sub-componet morhs.  if you only copy and paste sub component morphs , the figure often not keep shape, as you expected ,because another controller can change those values still. 


  • Thanks for the reply Kitakoredaz! I'm away from my computer but it sounds complicated and I'm not quite clear on how to go about the process yet, though I will try to figure it out more a bit later when I'm able to get into Daz. I'm using G3 figures by the way. I forgot to mention that.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    The most reliable way, is actually set key for all, in first frame, with select root, then must set TRSV. (as default I think, set as TR, then key mate not show morph keys

    even htough ds set keys in timeline)

     after you morphed once. then ds can auto set key, only about the parameter which you changed in parameter tab. (or you pose , ds auto set key for those)

    And actually there is bug, not up-date morphed key about saved scene. you need to change TR then return to TRSV to return all keys.

    though I do not report it still (and never plan to report it)




  • So you are talking about the morph dials in the parameter tab. You say those should work right? I read somewhere about the morphs under "shaping" not working in keymate. So say I have a G3 figure. On a timeline from 0 to 30, I set the figure on the 0 key and 30 keys as a certain shape. Then on the 15 key, I morph it to a different shape under the shaping tab. So when I play the animation, the figure morphs from 0 to 15 to the new morph and back again from 15 to 30. With the process you mentioned about, is it possible to get keymate to acknowledge those morphing values so I can copy them for further use? Also, could you explain to me about the bug keymate has again because I don't quite understand that.

  • So I switched keymate from TR to TRSV and then did a 31 frame test scene where I morphed the figure halfway through at frame 15. Keymate registered the morph and I was able to copy and paste it accurately down the timeline so that was a success. I then saved the scene and reopened it and noticed the keys in keymate where I had set the morph were not there. I switched it from TRSV to TR and back again to TRSV and they appeared. That must have been the bug you mentioned. I think that solves it but I'll update this thread if I come across any other issues. Thanks for the help Kitakoredaz!

  • What is the difference between "Object" and "Node" in KeyMate? Could someone give an example?

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