Modified Objects...

I modified three objects that were for Micheal 4 to be able to use them in Micheal 7. I resized them and deleted things in a cape. I work in Lightwave to do my modeling. How do I keep the materials in each object when I export it back to Daz? Can Lightwave see an objects material if it doesn't have an .mtl file?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,960
    edited August 2017

    The surface groups are in the OBJ file, the mtl is just (very basic) material settings. I haven't used Lightwave for a while, but it used not to have any issue with exporting OBJs with surfaces and groups intact (in fact a lot of the older Daz figuers were made in LW, and some of the morph tools in LW were created for Daz). You should check the UV mapping - LW was quite good at preerving it, but if an edit hit a vertex on the edge of a UV island or seam the results could be odd (the vertex would snap to its "other half" on the other side of the seam or on another island, the fix was to select the vertex, split it, and then move the mispalce part back to its correct position).

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Thank you Richard


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