Gen8 Help

I am sure that this is covered elsewhere, but I can't find anything that covers what I need to know, so here I go. I have used the Gen3 characters for almost all of my work, but I want to start transitioning to Gen8 now that it has had some time on the market. However, I am finding it nearly unworkable, because it lacks a lot of the built-in morphs that Gen3 had (most specifically, those that applied to the hands, allowing for slide-based grip and fist adjustment). I have heard that it is possible to apply things from older characters to the new Gen8 characters, but I can't seem to find out anywhere how to ACTUALLY do this. Can someone more experienced offer any insight? Thanks a bunch!


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The only included morphs with the bases are for expressions.  I bought the head body morphs for the G8s and have all the hand pose contols (but never use them and hate pose preset that do).

  • @jestsmart Thanks. I actually went and grabbed it all, and it worked seamlessly. Out of curiosity, why do you hate the hand pose controls? While they are never PERFECT, I find it so much easier to start by using other poses that resemble the effect that I am going for, and then tweak it after. I am still a very new artist, so I am trying to learn any new techniques that I can. 

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    You have to break the link on individual joint when you need to fine tune the pose.  Since almost all my characters are heavily morphed I have to almost always fine tune the pose.

  • Ahhhh... Yeah, I have found that I have to do posing and edits BEFORE I morph, or I get some incredibly weird results that break normal geometry, lol. I was once using Creature Creator on M4, forgot to pose first, and wound up with a kind of draconian thing with it's face effectively turned inside out. Most of the morphs that I use work just fine if I pose first, though.

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