Mixamo FBX conversion

Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257
edited September 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion

     Has anyone made a script to coinvert the free mixamo FBX files to Studio aniblocks yet?  There were ~2500 of them and going one at a time would be painfull.  Several people got them, so I was wondering.


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  •  Moved to Daz Studio Discussion as it is a request for a scrpt, not a scripting thread.

  • After cutting my teeth on Corel Bryce fifteen years ago, I'm shifting more and more to DAZ  and now I'm jumping in with both feet into DAZ animation and a week ago I discovered Mixamo. Blew me away, and the same question came to mind, how I can convert the mixamo animations into aniblocks? I know it can be done, I bought a V4/M4 Mixamo aniblock set from the marketplace, not knowing who or what Mixamo was beforehand. I'm breathlessly awaiting any lead to scripts that can do this, I've spent my dime getting KeyMate Graphmate and Animate2, and I'd rather import and create aniblocks than buy generic aniblock 'kits'. Kits are okay, but I'd rather sell them than buy them... wink

  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited September 2017

    I did a quick Google and came up with this two-part video series to do it yourself manually... the first is far longer, 45 minutes, but it leads into the second video, so maybe just watch the last few minutes (LOL), the second video is far more on point on the actual conversion process, video 1 covers other useful things as well.

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Creating and combining aniblocks as he shows how does creates a bug when applying to another Daz figure, take special note towards the end of the second video about anchoring the figure from the hip to the floor using the joint editor to 'pin' your figure so it doesn't slide around. Again, there has to be a script somewhere that deals with this in the creation process. So back to the original question... where is a source for scripts that can do this? I'm willing to test them one after the other, because each script has flaws and strengths that may or may not be important to you during the animation process. So list 'em all.... I'm sure others can find these scripts beneficial as well.

    Post edited by Brycescaper on
  • Gusf1Gusf1 Posts: 257


          I have a PDF by firewarden that explains how to convert Mixamo animations to Studio aniblocks.  I'll attach it here.  Before Mixamo changed over I downloaded all their animations for Genesis, G2F and, G2M.  Approximately 2500 animatioins each!  THAT is why I'm looking for a script to automate the process.  I'll either find one or try to write one.  The latter will take a little time assuming the necessary functions are available.  It seems to be a strait forward process.  If I get the required permissions, I will share it.   If you come across any further Info, I'ld be glad to hear it.


    Miximo Content in DAZ.pdf
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,701

    @Brycescaper, thanks for those links. To anyone using the mixamo animations, the second video points out a different/quicker way to slurp in the fbx import animations right to an aniblock (or bake to keyframes if you like), and, as Brycescaper mentions, by making a simple adjustment to the hip node (just drag to floorplane) fixes an odd foot/body slippage issue that I was certain was not happening in the original mixamo animations, nor was it visible in my external BVH/FBX tools. 




  • I tried almost everything there is on google results to rig Mixamo animations to Genesis 3 figures. In the end I ended up writing a custom Daz script to convert the aniblocks from mixamo to genesis 3. The script code is not perfect but it does the job for my requirements because I don't have to follow multiple time consuming steps. I just need to load mixamo animation and genesis 3 figure into the scene and run the script. After that I export the figure as fbx to import into unreal engine as animation.

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