Using morphs and hair on different character

Issue #1: I've been a user of Daz Studio just a few months. I have been using the genesis 3 base male for the custom characters I'm creating and have purchased several face and body morph products to change their appearance. But I recently found a full character for genesis 3 that I'm considering buying. My question is, will genesis 3 morphing products work on it or will they only work on the genesis 3 base male? The products themselves do not say, although little snippits that I've read for one of the products (200 Plus Head and Face Morphs) seems to imply that it will work on figures other than G3M. I can't be sure of that, though. Though the character I'm thinking of buying is great, it's not perfect. I'd need to make some changes, especially to the face, so if my morphing products won't work on it, there's no point in buying it. Unfortunately, I've found no way to contact the creator.

Issue #2: There seems to be an appalling lack of basic short, straight hairstyles available for G3M. I just want a plain haircut, something that doesn't scream 21st century hairstyle. I did find one haircut that was absolutely perfect, but it's not for G3M. It's for Victoria 4, Michael 4, Victoria 3, Michael 3, Aiko 3, Stephanie 3, David 3, Hiro 3, Millennium Kids - Young Teens, Millennium Kids - Preschoolers, Millennium Baby 3. Obviously, it's an older product. So, my question is, will it work on G3M? I've heard that using hair, clothing, etc. made for older millennium characters can be problematic for G3M and G3F because the Auto-Fit dialog box won't include older millennium characters in the "What figure was the item designed for?" drop-down list.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice that someone can give.


  • If the morphs were created on the base figure, they will work on characters normally (always depends on how extreme they are). They will obviously be influenced by the character morph.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,665

    With hair, in most cases you can just not fit it (cancel autofit), but parent it instead. Load your figure in default pose, load the hair, move it into position and then adjust scaling if needed and then parent it to the head. If you need a better fit, you can apply a smoothing modifier and set collision to the figure

  • Most of the morph products I have are not what I'd call extreme. They're just morphs for adjusting the body musculature and facial features. The most extreme one is Growing Up for Genesis 3 Male, which I used to create a child character. I won't be using that one on this new character, but that's actually the one I wouldn't have worried about since the product info says that it will work on any G3M character.

    It sounds like, one way or another, I should be able to get that hair to work. I do wish, though, that the people who create these various hairstyles realized that some people might want ordinary "clean-cut" hairstyles for their male characters. I'm not into all the hairstyles that seem to defy gravity by the way they stick up all over the place. They make me want to take a comb or brush to them. Some look like they were achieved with the help of a weed wacker. ;-D If anybody knows of a source for what I'm looking for, please let me know.

    Thanks for the replies.

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