How do I apply a material?

sviestmaize262sviestmaize262 Posts: 5

I need to apply a material to genitalia to look just like the skin does

small NSFW warning (nothing major, though, naked skin)

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Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Does the character you are using include material settings for the anatomical elements?

  • Does the character you are using include material settings for the anatomical elements?

              Yes (I think). I'm using a Genesis 8 Male and when I go to "Anatomy", it shows "Genesis 8 Male Genitalia". I have some morphs on it, but yeah, I think that answers your question, right?

    EDIT : I did it! I found a way to do it ! My geneis 8 male was Quinton (although this works for all other characters if you are looking how to fix this), so I went to People --> Genesis 8 male ------> Quinton -----> Materials -> Iray -> Quinton Genitalia circumcised/uncircumcised


  • That's right, you need to look for the prset in the folder for the character. Not all adult characters include materials for the anatomical elements, and no underage characters will.

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