A Couple of Custom Morph Questions

I'm working up some custom body and face morphs for G2F characters. That part is easy by now. But a couple of glitches have occurred that I can't solve.

1. I have separate head and body morphs for two characters. That allows me to float a few faces around for family members to give a family resemblance. It also allows for easy classic superheroine transformations. The problem is when I apply the head morph to a G2F, she gets a bit taller. When I apply a body morph to another character, her head gets a bit smaller. Somewhere, I exported a body morph to the head, even though all body morphs were set at zero; and vice versa.

I'm going to go back through the basic sculpt files and make sure everything not needed is zeroed. It's likely I missed one somewhere. But I also want to make sure I don't do this again.

So, how do I ensure that I export only body morphs to an obj to import as a body morph, and only head morphs to an obj to import as a head morph, without them conflicting?

Or is that something that's handled in the process of setting up the morph for an asset?

2. I had some older versions that I've replaced. The original morph sliders are still showing up under Actor/Female. I swear to God, I eliminated the .duf files in Data/Morphs/Genesis/Female/My Name! They ain't there. I searched all through various folders, backing all the way out to DAZ/Studio/Content with a Windows search. Nope. No files. Yet, the sliders still show up. How the heck do I get rid of them?


  • I've seen the head size one, but I'm not sure how to fix it. As for the phantom sliders, do a search in Windows Explorer to see if you have any hidden ones that.may still be lurking unseen in your runtime.

  • I just solved the Phantom Sliders!

    There are TWO Data folders. One is the good old DAZ/Studio/Content/Data folder where morph assets usually go. The other, much less used one, is DAZ/Data. My phantoms were lurking in that one. I have no idea why, but being older morphs I probably didn't set the paths correctly.

  • I just solved the Phantom Sliders!

    There are TWO Data folders. One is the good old DAZ/Studio/Content/Data folder where morph assets usually go. The other, much less used one, is DAZ/Data. My phantoms were lurking in that one. I have no idea why, but being older morphs I probably didn't set the paths correctly.

    Most likely. And it's actually normal to have multiple data directory locations if you get into make and distributing content, since you really don't want to have to dig around in the default location to find everything.

  • If you study up on how make a deformer, you can make and save your own headsplit deformer for G2F and G2M (it doesn't actually split heads. It's just deformer with a custom weight map that covers the head and some of the neck) But the video shows how to use the weight map as a way to define which part of the imported morph is actually imported and which part is ignored.

    The video above will cover a lot of the options you have for controlling and editing morphs. Normally, I do not approve of video instruction, but I've not found a text version of this information, so this video is one of best resources for this kind of thing.

    It may seem like some of the stuff he's on about doesn't apply to your specific issues, but pretty much all of it does.

    The key purpose of using headsplit, btw, is that saves you having to make separate head and body morphs. Because the weight map falls off from the head (with the strength being 100% at the head and ) at the bottom of the neck to of the collar, you get a blending effect that allows the resultant head and body morphs to better blend with other products.

    Using the strength 1 for head and -1 for body, the two resultant morphs together are equal to full character morph. Which is also what the video says at about the 9 minute mark, but I thought it was a point important enough to front load.

  • Sweet! Thanks!

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