Loading old .daz files crashes Mac (hard!) and gives 'Error opening file' on Windows.

CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
edited September 2017 in Daz Studio Discussion


I resolved to convert all my old .daz files to .duf files, and hopefully Iray-ify them, and stuff like that, and see if any of the old scenes had redeemable qualities that I could use to kick-start my recently-dead creativity.


DAZ Studio 4.9 ( doesn't load my .daz files containing characters anymore.  I'm not sure exactly what the limitation is; the one .daz file I have with just a book in it loads okay.  But nothing else that I've tried loads.

On the Mac it crashes.  Hard.  Program disappears and an Apple crash window shows up.  Something about...

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
0   libdzcore.dylib                   0x00000001007e5b8b DzFaceVertexIslandCategorizer::Data::buildCategorizedIslands(DzFacetMesh const*, DzFaceVertexIslandBuilder const&) + 11109
1   libdzcore.dylib                   0x00000001007b9e62 DzExpression::Data::~Data() + 104718

On Windows, it just gives a dialog error, 'Error opening file' with the text 'An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details.'

The log file has...a lot of things going on in it.  Here's a snippet.

2017-09-17 21:45:17.520 Opening file Lost in a Good Book.daz...
2017-09-17 21:45:21.946 Error setting pointers while reading file E:/Dropbox/Refried Scenes/Old/Scenes/Lost in a Good Book.daz : C Exception: Memory Access Violation - Attempted to read memory at address 0x00000000
2017-09-17 21:45:21.950 File read time: 0 min 4.3 sec.
2017-09-17 21:45:21.959 Building Scene...
2017-09-17 21:45:22.193 WARNING: Object::disconnect: No such signal QObject::currentValueChanged() in properties\controllers\dzerclink.cpp:1487
2017-09-17 21:45:22.193 WARNING: Object::disconnect:  (sender name:   'ZRotate')
2017-09-17 21:45:22.193 WARNING: Object::disconnect: No such signal QObject::currentValueChanged() in properties\controllers\dzerclink.cpp:1487
2017-09-17 21:45:22.193 WARNING: Object::disconnect:  (sender name:   'ZRotate')


The last lines repeat a bunch, with a WHOLE lot of different values for the 'sender name'.  Obviously I think the memory access violation is a bit more important...

On a scale of 1 (Just Do This One Weird Trick & You'll Be Fine!) to 10 (Bwahahaha, you're never opening those files again!), just how b0rk'd am I?

--  Morgan


Post edited by Chohole on


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    It looks like you are trying to access them from Dropbox...have you tried accessing them locally (actually downloading them from Dropbox to your machine)?

  • do they load in DS3?

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    mjc1016 said:

    It looks like you are trying to access them from Dropbox...have you tried accessing them locally (actually downloading them from Dropbox to your machine)?

    That's not how Dropbox works; they ARE local on my hard drive.  Dropbox watches for changes to them and uploads those changes to their servers, and downloads changes that I make on other systems.

    th3Digit said:

    do they load in DS3?

    Wouldn't know, I don't have a copy of it, but they'd have Genesis characters in them, so...probably not.

    --  Morgan


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Basically, that error is from trying to read something that doesn't exist, yet...either it hasn't been created/read into memory or it's being blocked from being read for some reason (file permissions are one possible cause, so are non-local files).   Security software can also cause it, but since it does it on two different operating systems, that is unlikely.  It could also be 'absolute paths' within the files...open one in a text editor and see what the paths to the various resources look like.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    mjc1016 said:

    Basically, that error is from trying to read something that doesn't exist, yet...either it hasn't been created/read into memory or it's being blocked from being read for some reason (file permissions are one possible cause, so are non-local files).   Security software can also cause it, but since it does it on two different operating systems, that is unlikely.  It could also be 'absolute paths' within the files...open one in a text editor and see what the paths to the various resources look like.

    So...as I mentioned, these are .daz files, which means a binary format, not text format (.duf) so I can't just 'open one in a text editor'.  They aren't even gzipped text files like .duf and .dsf often are, they're a completely DAZ-specific binary data file.  Running 'strings' on it doesn't reveal any paths, so the textual data like paths are probably compressed.

    Accessing memory location 0x00000000 is a programming bug, not a file-not-found problem.  DAZ Studio typically prompts me for files that are missing; for instance, I have a .daz file which has nothing but a book, posed just-so, and it uses a special texture.  That texture is missing, and so it complains about it, and lets me try to locate it for the program during the load process.  That doesn't happen for any of the other .daz files which (generally) have Genesis-based characters in them; there's no warning, no request to locate files, the file loading appears to complete, and it (on the Mac) instantly crashes, and (on the PC) immediately puts up the 'error opening file' dialog.

    Has anyone TRIED opening a Genesis-era .daz file using the latest version of DAZ Studio?

    --  Morgan


  • EsemwyEsemwy Posts: 578

    In both cases, Mac & Windows, you're getting a null pointer de-reference. This is always a programming error. It's possible that it's being caused due to some other internal condition, but there doesn't seem to be enough information to tell what that is. The log file might show something useful. 

  • I've certainly had some early DS4 files fail to open in later builds, yes.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,851

    Sure looks like DS4.9 doesn't like .DAZ scene files, simple scenes with only one or two items seem to load without issue, but anything more complex or that has a figure in it is throwing that same error, then promptly lags out the viewport which is probably what caused your crash.

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