Skin doesn't always render correctly

When rendering in 3Delight, the skin doesn't always render properly. Sometimes it renders all white. Other times it will render all black. Usually, re-rendering it fixes the problem. However, why is it happening and how can I prevent it from happening?

I often start a rendering, which I know will take several hours, just before going to bed or stepping out to work and it's a waste of time to come back to see that it wasn't done properly and has to be done again.


  • Check the log file - at least the white issue may be down to the AoA SSS Shader not compiling correctly, which can be fixed by reloading the scene or by manually clearing the Brickyard folder in the DS Temp folder.

  • I have no known cure for this but when I render in 3delight, it will give me a heads up if somethings gone wonky in the scene. In the "Rendering Image" box that pops up when I hit the render button will say "3Delight message # whatever (Severity whatever) So and So. That's when I will cancel the render and do a Spot Render on anyone in the scene showing skin. If it's white or black, all I can do is apply the skin material to the model again and see if that clears it up.

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