(Millenium) (Sub)Dragon (LE)

InkuboInkubo Posts: 744

The relationship between the various models of DAZ dragons is confusing. There are various ones with "Millenium" and "Sub" in their names, and I somehow ended up with one named the Millenium SubDragon LE.

The bundle in FastGrab today got me looking at dragon textures and add-ons, and I found some interesting stuff for dragons whose names resemble mine, but I don't know if the stuff is really compatible with my LE model. I sort of suspect the LE is just a decimated version of the Millenium SubDragon or Millenium Dragon, and it's possible all these products use the same UVs—and yet the slightly different names could be an indication that they are all completely different and thus mutually incompatible.

It's not like DAZ to hide stuff you might like to buy, but when it comes to the dragon add-ons, I'm just left scratching my head.

Can anyone explain what the relationships and compatibilities are between the dragons named with "Millenium" and "Sub"?

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  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,698
    edited September 2017

    Millenium Dragon and Millenium Dragon 2 share UVs (maps from one work on another).  But they have different rigging (saddles from one won't work on another).

    Millenium Sub-Dragon is a later dragon that doesn't share anything with the former 2.  It's designed to subdivide in DS (thus looking smoother despite an initial more blocky look to the raw mesh).  The Sub-Dragon LE is the 'Limited Edition' or 'Lite Edition' - it doesn't have all the morphs of the main version.  But it does share UVs and rigging with the main version.  A saddle for the Sub-Dragon should work on the LE.


    Millenium Dragon 3 is the latest dragon - doesn't share anything with the previous ones.

    Post edited by Silent Winter on
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 744


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