Cyclops for M4

Hello, I asked this a few years ago but does anyone know if there is a simple way to make M4 one-eyed? Merge the two eyes or remove them and simply have a single large eye in the middle of the forehead? I would really like to create a cyclops character but don't need anything complicated (no need for a whole special character morph); I'm just looking for a way to give M4 a single eye and then adjust the rest of the face and body as usual to create the character look I want. Is that possible or is it a whole project that would need to be done by an experienced vendor? Unfortunately, I can't find any simple one-eye morphs for M4. I've seen a cyclops for an older version of the Freak and for Genesis, which I don't use, but nothing for M4/V4. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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