FWSA Willa HD for Teen Josie 8 - incomplete/broken

That figure package seems to be somewhat incomplete or mixed up:
- The Nipples Apply/Remove morphs (listed in the product description) are not there.
- The main torso texture does not have nipples at all - although some maps do.
- Strangely those maps even have "anatomical elements", so those might come from a different product.
Will be updated once QA is back from holidays I hope ;-)


  • Wow. Teen morphs aren't supposed to have gens wonder how that slipped through Qa

  • Have you reported this?

  • Well, Willa is joined by Bex with regards to this. Also no DUFs for Nipple Apply/Remove there and the torso textures are also mixed. At least she got nipples but there again the Bump maps do have genitals which should not be there. Well hope an update will fix things and end the barbie phase of Willa breastwise.

  • ChangelingChickChangelingChick Posts: 3,145
    edited September 2017

    As she is a teen character, most likely the nipple and anatomical references on the product page were a result of copying features from a previous character release. Teen characters do not have either nipples or anatomical elements by rule at Daz (and the other brokerages). The bumps that have them are likely an accidental reference to another product that did and those will need a support ticket.

    Post edited by ChangelingChick on
  • Don't think so regarding the chest. Even the default Teen Josie 8 does have a realworld texture for the breast area - as did TJ7 and TJ6. So this is definitely missing on the Willa texture.The DUFs/morphs are probably only dialing in the nipples morph to a certain percentage and are not necessary. They are still listend with the product description though.

    edited September 2017

    When you load the plain Teen Josie 8 character, she has nipples

    Post edited by ALLIEKATBLUE on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I'm wondering why some of the Torso textures are is 2048, when the rest are 4096

  • These products have been updated, I am told - the nipples have been restored to the textures, the anatomical element elements have been removed from the maps, and the morph refrence has been removed from the product page.

  • Thx!

  • ArtisanSArtisanS Posts: 209

    Except for the 2K torso Base Color/Diffuse and SSS textures that cause some problems in the skin seems, normal Fred and Sabby know their stuff (as well as the QA department of DAZ) so I expect this to be fixed on the double. Now I have to say you have to be up close and personal in order to see this, but then it really pokes at you!

    Greets, ArtisanS

    646 x 675 - 42K
  • Hmmm...I have Willa with no updates, and non of the above issues.   Perhaps the package had already been fixed by the time I purchased it.  But, I did buy it after only a day when Josie went on sale.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,879

    Hmmm...I have Willa with no updates, and non of the above issues.   Perhaps the package had already been fixed by the time I purchased it.  But, I did buy it after only a day when Josie went on sale.

    I have the seam issue too (DS, but I believe it's the updated package since it was downloaded sep 26 and there hasn't been any updates since (at least not in DIM).


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