Please do a Vintage diving gear and Wetsuit set for Gen 8 and 3 females

Hi gang i know you have the futuristic diver one, but could you do a Gen 8 vintage wetsuit and rebreather that comes with bubbles and please have the wetsuit zipper open and close and the crotch flaps so it pops open if we want to show Lt Parker in a bikini or a hot one-piece.  FYI Have a version of Parker and the wound skin works awesome for battle injury.  Keep up the AWESOME work gang.  Cant believe how much fun Im having with DAZ. Cheers for now. lolXO


  • I'm sure someone will do it, you know if you have have an open and close zipper they are only good for straight poses, as soon as you bend them they go everywhere. I expected a lot more criticism for not doing a classic style, but most people understand I'm more a sci-fi artist. It actually could be used as a space suit as well. Which reminds me I've got to get on with some projects. So hang in there I'm sure a few vendors look through this forum and you may give them an idea. Cheers

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