'Seasonal' product release dates

Just noticed a new product release; Halloween Poses for Toon Generations 2. Either it is a really early release for the comming Halloween ( cheeky ), or a bit late.....

Now this happens with more 'season products', not just here, but at other stores as well. Products specific for the season get released just before the holiday(s), which for me makes it usually too late to use them 'this year' or just after.... when the need is over......  

I know, I know, developing, testing, accepting in the store, promos etc... it takes their time. But my guess is it would be more profitable for everyone it the timing could be done a little better. (Christmas may seem very far away, but I'm already thinking about what to render; setting up and all also takes time..... wink )


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602

    It takes a while too, to compose and render scenes. I'm glad last year they released a good santa outfit. We'd been lacking for so long.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2017

    They did have an early xmas product release last year, begin november, got some 'victorian santa items' then for G3M (and a texture set for the Winter fantasy for G3F'...) didn't get the Santa outfit that was released later.....

    Post edited by glaseye on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602

    You might consider it. I think that was one of their better santas.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2017

    Back then it was too late for me, now my budget means waiting for a sale......... so I guess time to check it out.......

    edit to add... hmmm the suit + character has a deeper discount then the hair or the bundle .....

    Post edited by glaseye on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    edited November 2017

    It takes quite a while to get a product through the system before it's ready for the sales page. I submitted a horror-ish product about 3 and a half weeks before Halloween and they said that it was too late that a product needed At Least a month as it has to go through several teams and testing periods as well as marketing and all that jazz before it can be released. So it doesn't surprise me that one or two products may have just not made it through all the testing and different teams that look at it in time for the holiday it was intended for. 

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    Quite some time indeed..... Add to that that some buyers/users (like myself) also need some time to get the 'feel' for the product and - as Serene Night already mentioned - need time to compose and render. Meaning a product should preferably be submitted to the store even earlier then a month before the holiday(s)............ (speaking for myself ofcourse...)

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,633
    glaseye said:

     Meaning a product should preferably be submitted to the store even earlier then a month before the holiday(s)............ (speaking for myself ofcourse...)

    Keep in mind that even if a PA submitted something earlier, it might be held for a themed group release, which would be at Daz's discretion.

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 911

    So someone actually did notice that I'd missed Halloween with this one. XD It was mostly a case of bad timing. I submitted the product later than I ought to have because it was a last-minute idea, and it probably would have just barely made it on time had it not needed to be sent back to me for corrections. I was away from my work computer and taking care of some family stuff when the corrections were requested, so it was almost a week until I was home again and able to deal with that. Everything was in before Halloween, but not early enough for the team to get it out in time. I did hope for it to be out on Halloween because sometimes the Daz folks can be amazing and speedy, but with the whole last-minute submission and a week of the Daz team having to wait for my corrections it wasn't possible. And yes, being on time would definitely have been more profitable. Since everyone is done with Halloween at this point, the sales will have suffered for it. It's unfortunate but I'm not going to complain since it's my fault anyway. It'll still be in the store for next year.

    So... yeah.  I guess now I'm just waaay ahead as far as stuff for next Halloween goes. blush 

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    I hope you didn't take my comment personally.. the product was just an example. It's more a general remark to creators and stores regarding seasonal content, to realise that - speaking for myself - a buyer/user also need time to make use of the product.

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 911
    edited November 2017
    glaseye said:

    I hope you didn't take my comment personally.. the product was just an example. It's more a general remark to creators and stores regarding seasonal content, to realise that - speaking for myself - a buyer/user also need time to make use of the product.

    Oh, no, not at all. smiley It is the most obvious example available in the store at the moment anyway, what with 'Halloween' being in the title. I only stopped by to explain because that particular situation seemed like a good example of one reason a product can end up missing the seasonal window. (Not as an excuse, just an example.) I'm sure there are other reasons things would be late as well, or sometimes, as Phoenix1966 said, things get held for a specific release. 

    Post edited by Quixotry on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    Now this is what I call a 'timely' release cheeky; enough time to (for me) to 'install and setup'........... yes


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602

    Yeah I love all the Christmassy stuff. Thanks Daz store!

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