Lucas 8 ReadMe


I purchased Lucas 8 last week and can't find the readme. I searched the Documentation Center, not there. Anywhere else where I can look for it?

Thanks for answering,

Love, Jeanne :)


  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    doesn't look like the readme is up. It should be here: but there's nothing. Contact support and ask them to put the readme up would be the best bet. Interesting he's been out a while and the readme still isn't up. 

  • Jeanne MJeanne M Posts: 652

    Thank you Jakiblue for responding. I'll ask support for the readme. I think they just forgot..... :)

  • Sorry, forgot to post - I did send this in yesterday so with luck it will be fixed (if it isn't already).

  • Jeanne MJeanne M Posts: 652
    edited November 2017

    Thank you Richard. I asked Support just after I posted my answer to Jakiblue. I guess now we certainly get the ReadMe up one of these days(isn't there yet) angel

    By the way, since when do we have to proof we are not a robot when asking support something?
    I really hate these things, check the streets (or cars) and so on. Half of the time I can't even see what's on these images! frown

    Love, Jeanne :)

    Post edited by Jeanne M on
  • Jeanne M said:

    Thank you Richard. I asked Support just after I posted my answer to Jakiblue. I guess now we certainly get the ReadMe up one of these days(isn't there yet) angel

    By the way, since when do we have to proof we are not a robot when asking support something?
    I really hate these things, check the streets (or cars) and so on. Half of the time I can't even see what's on these images! frown

    Love, Jeanne :)

    Were you showing as logged in on the ZenDesk side? it - for me - doesn't seem to carry over from the daz side, though clicking the Log In button on ZenDesk fixes that

  • Jeanne MJeanne M Posts: 652

    Aahhh, no I noticed I wasn't when I wanted to close the page. I thought I was automatically logged in because I was here in the Forums and in the store, apparantly not. 
    ​I'll try to rember that whenever I feel the need to contact support again. Thank you for clarifying.

    Love, Jeanne :)

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