Are the HFS ultimate G8 morphs merchant resources?

Are the HFS ultimate G8 morphs merchant resources? 


  • If they were it would say so in the readme or on the product page or both.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,793

    Ok, but sometimes things like this will specify "NOT a merchant resource," and a lot of these types of sets can be used as merchant resources so just wanted to make sure.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,633

    Not to disagree with Richard, but perhaps you should try to contact the creator. Sometimes things are not stated as a MR on the product page or the ReadMe, but can be used as one in very specific ways.

    As an example, this product doesn't state it can be used as  MR on either the product page or the online ReadMe, but if you follow along on their thread in Commercial products, you find out it can be used as one with several limitations. And, yes, I PM'd the creator to verify if and how it could be used as such.

  • Merchant resource rights have to be granted - saying "Not a merchnat resouce" is just for emphasis, it doesn't mean a set without that note is an MR.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,793

    Not to disagree with Richard, but perhaps you should try to contact the creator. Sometimes things are not stated as a MR on the product page or the ReadMe, but can be used as one in very specific ways.

    As an example, this product doesn't state it can be used as  MR on either the product page or the online ReadMe, but if you follow along on their thread in Commercial products, you find out it can be used as one with several limitations. And, yes, I PM'd the creator to verify if and how it could be used as such.

    Yes, exactly. I remember reading that thread. I posted this hoping the PA would respond themselves to get a definitive answer... I see their earlier product for G3 doesn't say MR either so Richard is probably right, but it couldn't hurt to PM them. 

  • I'm not sure dariofish comes into the forums that often, so I'll message him elsewhere and let him know about this thread.

  • I'm not sure dariofish comes into the forums that often, so I'll message him elsewhere and let him know about this thread.

    Might also open a sales Support ticket so they can get an official answer (if it's yes) to add to the product page or at least have on hand for future enquiries.

  • Hello everyone!

    Well, if you mean including one or more morphs in other products, then no, they are not MR in that sense.

    Instead, if you want to use my morphs as base for creating new morphs, I allow to do so, but obviously the new morphs must be different from the original and personalized.

    Hope this is helpfull,


  • DarioFish said:

    Hello everyone!

    Well, if you mean including one or more morphs in other products, then no, they are not MR in that sense.

    Instead, if you want to use my morphs as base for creating new morphs, I allow to do so, but obviously the new morphs must be different from the original and personalized.

    Hope this is helpfull,


    Glad to see you poke your head in to help, my good fellow.


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303
    DarioFish said:

    Hello everyone!

    Well, if you mean including one or more morphs in other products, then no, they are not MR in that sense.

    Instead, if you want to use my morphs as base for creating new morphs, I allow to do so, but obviously the new morphs must be different from the original and personalized.

    Hope this is helpfull,


    Awesome! Thank you, Dariofish! :) This is a must buy for me then! 

  • LyonessLyoness Posts: 1,612
    DarioFish said:

    Hello everyone!

    Well, if you mean including one or more morphs in other products, then no, they are not MR in that sense.

    Instead, if you want to use my morphs as base for creating new morphs, I allow to do so, but obviously the new morphs must be different from the original and personalized.

    Hope this is helpfull,


    Awesome! Thank you, Dariofish! :) This is a must buy for me then! 

    I agree!!  Looking forward to playing with these

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,964

    Thank you very very much, this will be an amazingly useful base for all manner of critters.


  • Ditto- and I am looking forward to playing with them.  Thank you, Dario.

  • And I was really hoping not to spend anything this month... 

  • And I was really hoping not to spend anything this month... 

    I know the feeling, many times over.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,793

    Thanks for the official reply Dariofish. Can't wait to play with them, they look awesome! 

  •  I think that's what gets cloudy on the whole MR issue.  I look for MR designation because I want to incorporate a shape into a new obj character mesh.  I don't have any intention of repackaging a morph as is.  But, it isn't always stated in product readmes or descriptions as to whether or not this is allowable.  Personally, I think any morph package is a set of tools for creating new meshes.  I understand how a PA wouldn't want a specific character to be copied and resold verbatim.  Because that character is a finished piece.  But, individual parts morphs are always used to combine into a new work.

    Generally, I avoid using or buying any morphs that don't allow that usage.  

    Anyway, glad to hear that the HFS morphs can be incorporated into new meshes.  That makes them much more valuable as a tool set. :)  They're in my cart right now. 

  • DarioFish said:

    Hello everyone!

    Well, if you mean including one or more morphs in other products, then no, they are not MR in that sense.

    Instead, if you want to use my morphs as base for creating new morphs, I allow to do so, but obviously the new morphs must be different from the original and personalized.

    Hope this is helpfull,


    This is really great of you, thanks!

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