Problem with Iray Render Studio Projectors

dawnydawnydawnydawny Posts: 99



I recently picked up the Iray Render Studion (Colm Jackson). I have to say it is an amazing product and I love it!

However, I am running into an issue when I try to use the projectors. Whichever gobo I seem to put on the projector, it just won't render correctly. I get a jagged effect on the edges, see attached example. I have tried different ones and get the same efect.

The promo images have lovely sharp shadow edges so I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what!


Kind regards



291 x 651 - 35K
Post edited by dawnydawny on


  • After trying different render settings with no effect, I ray traced one of the gobo jpgs and saved it out as a jpg to remove any edge blurring, this renders OK, so I think the issue may be the black and white gobo files. I have raised a ticket for it.


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