Marks on Teen Josie 8's Forehead When Rendering

Rendering in iRay on Teen Josie 8 with Jocelyn For G8F Hair. What could be causing the marks near her hairline?

I started with the Josie 8 Actor and made a few morph adjustments to the head using the sliders.

694 x 559 - 50K


  • It looks like something has gone wrong with the scalp cap. Find the scalp cap in the surface tab of the hair and set the opacity to zero and render again. See if that fixes the problem.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,388

    Good tip! I have some hair that does something similar and I dont use it much because of that. Guess I can dust it off and put it back to work


  • rames44rames44 Posts: 329

    I’ve seen this quite frequently when a figure is scaled at less than 100% of the base G3/8 figure, which is probably the case here. I think what happens is that the skullcap doesn’t scale down perfectly, leaving “edges.” (Possibly due to other changes in shape inherent in the figure.)

    I’ve almost always been able to fix it using adjustment controls on the hair. Dial back the forehead or side or wherever the mark is to maybe -5% or so, and that usually handles it. Knittingmommy’s solution of making the skullcap transparent would probably also work fine, but some of the hairs I’ve had issues with have skullcaps that are colored to match the hair, which is usually a good thing in the long run. So “adjustments” is my usual solution. 

  • Ideally, scalp caps are there as a safety net and really shouldn't be seen. This isn't true for hairs where the hair is especially thin like on some male hairs. Turning off the scalp is usually the first step I do, but it won't work for every hair especially a hair where the scalp cap is intended to be seen. Adjusting the hair by using the built-in adjustments is probably the best thing to do in that case. Both methods work and neither will work for every occasion so having both in your arsenal of tricks is probably a good thing.

  • rames44rames44 Posts: 329

    My problem is that the bottom keeps falling out of my bag of tricks... cheeky

  • Thank to all. I will try working with the skullcap to see if that does the trick.

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