Loading times between two renders of a batchrender sequence

Hi all! I'm a huge fan of batch renderering while I'm out doing my day job. I'm currently in the process of trying to speed this up as much as possible. I noticed that Daz Studio takes a full fifteen minutes to clear the scene that just got rendered and load the next one to start rendering that. Now fifteen minutes is an awfull long time, especially since I found a way to have Iray render my scenes out in 23 minutes. These scenes are part of a story, so most of them feature identical assets, just the camera and the poses change, everything else stays pretty much the same for the vast majority of scenes.

So is there a way to speed up the loading time (and deleting time) of scenes in Daz Studio? My PC has 128 GB of RAM, so can I for instance force DAZ Studio to load the entire scene into RAM and keep it there so identical assets and textures can be reloaded quite quickly? Can I for instance save these nearly identical scenes (resource-wise) as different frames of one big DUF file and render these frames out in a batch-sequence? Is there a way to save a DAZ DUF file in such a way that it will render out this scene from every (preselected) camera that scene holds? I'm trying to hit 31 renders per day, which at the current loading speed in between scenes, gives me seven hours and 45 minutes of loading time in between scenes. As each render only takes 23 minutes, I'm rendering for a total of 11 hours and 53 minutes, give or take. On a total of roughly 12 hours of rendering, 7,75 hours of scene loading time is just too much... How can I get that down?

Thanks a lot,



  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    edited December 2017

    Use the same scene and use one camera, just animate camera angles and settings, then render as an img series. That way DS won't have to load a new scene for each render. This won't of course work if you need new environments /characters for every new render.

    Post edited by Sven Dullah on
  • Hi! Thanks for the reply! Will try that and let you know how it goes! Do you happen to know if this works in combination with batch rendering? Can I set up a couple of files that do differ to much in a batch queu and expect the batch render to know it needs to render every frame of each file before continueing to the next file?

    Thanks a lot,


  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    I think batch render only works for stills. Haven't tried setting it up for image series but I know it won't work for animations.

  • GatorGator Posts: 1,294

    Holy moley!  15 minutes to load?  Do you have a really slow CPU or floppy drive?

    I typically use good size scenes with a number of Genesis 3 figures, and on the high end about 5 minutes to load.  Can be as low as 2-2.5 minutes.  Both are running off of SSD.  I have an i7 6700K and a Threadripper.  My old FX-8320 was waaaay slower, like twice as long as the 6700K.

  • Hi! Thanks for the reply.

    I'm using a PC with an i7 6950X. My scene includes 5 genesis 3 figures. I'm loading from a 7200 rpm drive (10 TB in size). I have quite a number of morphs to load for genesis 3. I can never load a genesis " character in a blank scene in under 39 seconds. I have posted on this on thsi forum before, as the Log file clearly shows that Daz Studio (4.10) is doing nothing for most of that time. All the moprhs load in in fractions of seconds, and then there are gaps of 5 and 8 seconds in the log in between the end of one loading process and the start of another... When Daz Studio needs to clear the scene, it is equally slow. I'm using a batch render process and I can see that Daz takes about 7,5 minutes to clear the scene and another 7.5 minutes to load the next...

    If this loading time isn't normal, what could be causing this?

    What is a Threadripper?

    I will test the option of using several frames this weekend.

    Thanks a lot,


  • GatorGator Posts: 1,294

    Threadripper is AMD's new super core desktop CPU.

    That is slow, your CPU is a bit better than my 6700K system, it shouldn't be due to CPU.  I also have a lot genesis 3 morphs & figures which seems to impact the loading time.  How many morphs?  I think I had around 50 characters, and lots of morph expressions, and quite a few morph body packs.

    Your hard drive could be a source of the slowness - the 7200 RPM HDD when I used it is a hybrid drive and only 2 TB.  The larger drives can be slower when they get loaded up with files (large number of small files can impact a lot, small number of large files not so much).


  • Threadripper is AMD's new super core desktop CPU.

    That is slow, your CPU is a bit better than my 6700K system, it shouldn't be due to CPU.  I also have a lot genesis 3 morphs & figures which seems to impact the loading time.  How many morphs?  I think I had around 50 characters, and lots of morph expressions, and quite a few morph body packs.

    Your hard drive could be a source of the slowness - the 7200 RPM HDD when I used it is a hybrid drive and only 2 TB.  The larger drives can be slower when they get loaded up with files (large number of small files can impact a lot, small number of large files not so much).


    You have a dual CPU system, with a mixed AMD - Intel Setup? How do you do that?

    In my case, it must be the drive then...

    When I have the cash, it would be best to convert to a SSD then. And if I read this correctly, a SSD that is not too big and "dedicated" solely to Daz Studio so there won't be too many files on it?

    In the meantime, I figured out a way to use the different frames in the scene to group similar shots into one animation. That reduces the switching time in between renders to 15 to 25 seconds on my system. A solution that came from some wonderful people on this forum, involving a nifty technique of keyframing and a very handy script that almost completely automates the process. Many thanks to all of them!!!

    You can find that forum post here, if it would be of interest to anybody:


    Thanks a lot,


  • CGI3DMCGI3DM Posts: 279


    FOR RENDER SCENES different.

    1. - Save Scenes with options Type render prefered.

    2.- Run Script, Import scene duf (*.duf)  - disable "Change Options Render.", see image.

    FOR RENDER Scenes similar, example, poses or animation.

    -Disable "New Scene".



    Note: Name File Render is "Last File imported"


    641 x 745 - 33K
  • Thanks a lot!!!

  • GatorGator Posts: 1,294

    Threadripper is AMD's new super core desktop CPU.

    That is slow, your CPU is a bit better than my 6700K system, it shouldn't be due to CPU.  I also have a lot genesis 3 morphs & figures which seems to impact the loading time.  How many morphs?  I think I had around 50 characters, and lots of morph expressions, and quite a few morph body packs.

    Your hard drive could be a source of the slowness - the 7200 RPM HDD when I used it is a hybrid drive and only 2 TB.  The larger drives can be slower when they get loaded up with files (large number of small files can impact a lot, small number of large files not so much).


    You have a dual CPU system, with a mixed AMD - Intel Setup? How do you do that?

    In my case, it must be the drive then...

    When I have the cash, it would be best to convert to a SSD then. And if I read this correctly, a SSD that is not too big and "dedicated" solely to Daz Studio so there won't be too many files on it?

    In the meantime, I figured out a way to use the different frames in the scene to group similar shots into one animation. That reduces the switching time in between renders to 15 to 25 seconds on my system. A solution that came from some wonderful people on this forum, involving a nifty technique of keyframing and a very handy script that almost completely automates the process. Many thanks to all of them!!!

    You can find that forum post here, if it would be of interest to anybody:


    Thanks a lot,


    No, two separate systems. One is the Threadripper, the other is an Intel i7 6700K. The SSD drive definitely is faster... not sure how much though. I was digging around to find times since I replaced the failed SSD in the Threadripper. It temporarily had a hybrid HDD in it.
  • I see... well, I can currently render up to 37 renders a day at my current speed, so I'm pretty happy. Out of interest, would a SSD also speed up the rendering process, or only the loading process?

    Thanks a lot,


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