OT: Cool Remote Access Software

ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
edited December 2017 in The Commons

I think I may have mentioned this before, but there is an absolutely awesome and free remote access software out there called Team Viewer, and it's something I've been looking for FOREVER. A bit like the Windows Remote Access (which is only available with the more-expensive Pro version) but as usual with MS stuff, unlike the Windows version this one is actually useful and awesome. 

I have a main desktop, and two backup desktops on my home network. I've always wanted to have true remote access, where all I have to do it turn on the power to all three, and don't need to have a keyboard or monitor connected to the two backups, and can just log in to them remotely and I'm off and running. 

My main PC has three 27inch monitors, so if I need to work on all three simultaneously I just open each on its own monitor, and I can even drag/drop files and folders from one monitor to the other. Pretty wonderful. 

Now the limitation is of course you can't really work directly over the network on a DAZ scene, for example, since the delay in 3D view across the network can result in a huge mess. Although there may be a workaround I haven't found yet. 

Anyway, I just turn on the 3 computers, and after a minute a little notification comes up on my main PC saying the other two have just logged in, so I just click Connect and a window opens with the other computer's login screen (like I was sitting in front of it), and I just log in and I'm all set. Very cool. 

Now, if I could just figure out how to configure the DAZ content so it's equally accessible across all three.....I've been working on that for a few weeks and still haven't figured it out. BTW, the content tutorial video in the store shows a rather cumbersome way to get around the fact that DIM won't recognize a network drive to download content to, so you have to do it manually or some such nonsense.

Post edited by ebergerly on


  • ebergerly said:
    Now, if I could just figure out how to configure the DAZ content so it's equally accessible across all three.....I've been working on that for a few weeks and still haven't figured it out.

    If your computers are on a home network, can't you share your main DAZ folder to all of them?

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    ebergerly said:
    Now, if I could just figure out how to configure the DAZ content so it's equally accessible across all three.....I've been working on that for a few weeks and still haven't figured it out.

    If your computers are on a home network, can't you share your main DAZ folder to all of them?

    Yeah, I've tried that. I have an app that every night automatically synchronizes (ie, copies) selected folders to the other two computers. But when I start up DAZ on one of the remote computers, which should have everything the same as the main computer, sometimes it won't find content for some reason. 

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Oh, and it says "A valid PostreSQL CMS connection could not be established", and then when I re-load or whatever the database it seems to work. But then later it doesn't work again. Drives me nuts. 

  • GatorGator Posts: 1,294
    ebergerly said:
    ebergerly said:
    Now, if I could just figure out how to configure the DAZ content so it's equally accessible across all three.....I've been working on that for a few weeks and still haven't figured it out.

    If your computers are on a home network, can't you share your main DAZ folder to all of them?

    Yeah, I've tried that. I have an app that every night automatically synchronizes (ie, copies) selected folders to the other two computers. But when I start up DAZ on one of the remote computers, which should have everything the same as the main computer, sometimes it won't find content for some reason. 

    Ever try Robocopy?  It's great, included with Win 10, and free.

    Sorta my script that updates my custom content and scenes.  It runs so fast I just leave it as a bat file on my desktop, and sync the render box before loading scenes (you can schedule to run at night too if you want).  Left as is as try to keep the one comp as the master & there may be periodic updates if I spot something.

    Robocopy \\SourceComp\Scenes$ "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Scenes" /E /R:3 /W:5 /MT:32
    Robocopy "\\SourceComp\3D_Content$" "C:\Users\Public\Documents\3D_Content" /E /R:3 /W:5 /MT:32


    RDP works great too, can drag and drop files across it as well, but I think it requires Pro to host.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Syncfolders. No need to do the batch stuff, it's a window-based app that makes it easy. File requesters, schedulers, lots of features. 

  • Pack58Pack58 Posts: 750
    ebergerly said:
    ebergerly said:
    Now, if I could just figure out how to configure the DAZ content so it's equally accessible across all three.....I've been working on that for a few weeks and still haven't figured it out.

    If your computers are on a home network, can't you share your main DAZ folder to all of them?

    Yeah, I've tried that. I have an app that every night automatically synchronizes (ie, copies) selected folders to the other two computers. But when I start up DAZ on one of the remote computers, which should have everything the same as the main computer, sometimes it won't find content for some reason. 

    I must be missing something here, why do you need to copy content to each PC?

    If you're using a Windows Home Group then DAZ Studio on any PC can access any content on any PC (installed with DIM or manually, haven't tried will Connect yet) using Content Library.I watched Seaghan Hancocks tutorial video and thought his method for getting Smart Content to work was interesting but with six and a half plus thousand producks I'll stick with my mult-library file system and SearchEverything. 

    I have 90%ish of my content on one PC only and use it on all 4 of the machines I regularly run Studio on.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    One reason is to have a backup in case my main PC dies. I don't want everything sitting on one computer. And I have an automated synchronizing every night at 7pm that automatically copies any new/updated files to the backup computers in the background, so it's zero work for me. And that SHOULD be all that's needed.

    I also saw that video, and he kept everything on one server PC, but had to copy manually from the main PC to the server. Seems crazy to me, and a whole lot of work. 

  • ebergerly said:
    ebergerly said:
    Now, if I could just figure out how to configure the DAZ content so it's equally accessible across all three.....I've been working on that for a few weeks and still haven't figured it out.

    If your computers are on a home network, can't you share your main DAZ folder to all of them?

    Yeah, I've tried that. I have an app that every night automatically synchronizes (ie, copies) selected folders to the other two computers. But when I start up DAZ on one of the remote computers, which should have everything the same as the main computer, sometimes it won't find content for some reason. 


  • Pack58Pack58 Posts: 750

    One reason is to have a backup in case my main PC dies. I don't want everything sitting on one computer

    Right, understand that. Everyone's gonna do stuff the way that suits them.  I archive the zip files on an extrnal drive and back that up randomly.    Undoubtedly I shall curse myself out roundly sometime in the future.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255
    edited December 2017
    Pack58 said:

    One reason is to have a backup in case my main PC dies. I don't want everything sitting on one computer

    Right, understand that. Everyone's gonna do stuff the way that suits them.  I archive the zip files on an extrnal drive and back that up randomly.    Undoubtedly I shall curse myself out roundly sometime in the future.

    My backup policy is this:

    If my main PC dies, I want to turn around in my chair and start typing in my backup PC, which looks absolutely identical. No messing with re-installing or those ridiculous backup apps that are all encoded and require you can get the recovery software running and so on and keep incremental copies that I never need and start filling up hard drives needlessly.

    And all it takes is a simple app in the background doing copies of anything new or modified. 

    Post edited by ebergerly on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,135

    Teamviewer is a great program for managing machines remotely, I use it all the time to start off another render at home while I'm at the office.  But you HAVE to make sure you enable 2-factor authorization on your account, their account security track record is abysmal.  About a year ago a bunch of account passwords got out and scammers were able to get into peoples accounts, log into their machines and buy a bunch of stuff off amazon/ebay using their home web browsers with stored credentials, then go into email accounts and cover their tracks.  Teamviewer never admitted the breach was on their side, but the people that were hit only got hit on teamviewer, nothing else. They did admit about a month later to closing a security hole in their systems and enacted 2 factor.  2 factor prevents anyone from adding machines to your account without your authentication key, that can only come from an app on your smart phone.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    I know what you mean about the delay in remote software. I used to use LogMeIn when it was free and any type of mouse use to controll 3d movement sent models flying, slider bars would only slide in huge incrememnts in one direction, etc. So you had to use keyboard shortcuts to do any type of scene setups. I liked LogMeIn so much, I opted for the Pro version on my main PC and the issue went away. I could use Daz, watch videos, play games, etc. as if I was really at that pc.

    Then LogMeIn stopped their free service so I went to TeamViewer and the issue returned.

    Finally, I found SplashTop. Splashtop doesn't use the Monitor Mirror driver (which is what the others were using and causes the mouse control of 3d objects to be all wonky) so the 3d issue is not there. The only problem with ST is that the free version will only let you use PCs that are on the same network (Which will probably work for your situation) Luckily, their Pro lisence doesn't cost much which will let you controll your PC over the internet.

  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Much thanks Dragotx...never thought of that. Just did 2 factor.

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,135
    ebergerly said:

    Much thanks Dragotx...never thought of that. Just did 2 factor.

    Yeah, that was not a happy morning for me when it happened, I got hit for over $500 worth of Itunes giftcards on Amazon.  Amazon was great getting that side of it all handled, but ouch.  Any time you are offered to go to 2 factor for security you should take it.  It's more of a hassle, but it makes things so much more secure.

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,135

    I know what you mean about the delay in remote software. I used to use LogMeIn when it was free and any type of mouse use to controll 3d movement sent models flying, slider bars would only slide in huge incrememnts in one direction, etc. So you had to use keyboard shortcuts to do any type of scene setups. I liked LogMeIn so much, I opted for the Pro version on my main PC and the issue went away. I could use Daz, watch videos, play games, etc. as if I was really at that pc.

    Then LogMeIn stopped their free service so I went to TeamViewer and the issue returned.

    Finally, I found SplashTop. Splashtop doesn't use the Monitor Mirror driver (which is what the others were using and causes the mouse control of 3d objects to be all wonky) so the 3d issue is not there. The only problem with ST is that the free version will only let you use PCs that are on the same network (Which will probably work for your situation) Luckily, their Pro lisence doesn't cost much which will let you controll your PC over the internet.

    Iiiiiiiiinteresting,  I'm gonna have to check out splashtop, thanks!

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,153

    Another vote for Splashtop. Been using it for years. I've already been in bed with an ipad and doing 3D on my PC in the living room ;).


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